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Papers On Holocaust Studies
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This paper examines the reasons why the Nazi party, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler during the 1930s and 1940s, saw fit to exterminate Jews from Germany and other provinces, a plan called "The Final Solution." While the paper does examines concentration camps and murder by the S.S., it more closely details the reasons why the Nazis hated the Jews so much, and why they felt that Germany was better off without them. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTfinsol.rtf
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This 5-page paper explores a few of the reasons why the average German citizen in Nazi Germany accepted fascism so readily. The paper discusses the definition of fascism as well as other factors toward the acceptance of fascism. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: MTgerfas.rtf
Fascism/Could It Happen in the US?
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A 4 page research paper that examines the nature of fascism and whether it could occur in the US. Since the 1930s and 40s, historical scholarship has wrestled with the problem of precisely how to define fascism, in both its Italian and German forms, and how to differentiate these forms from other totalitarian regimes, such as Stalinism. The lurking question behind all of such scholarship is whether or not fascism could emerge again on the world political stage. Looking at the common factors shared by the regimes of Hitler and Mussolini, as well as the features that they both share with Stalinism. There appears to be common ground in all of these authoritarian regimes that appeals to something basic in Western character and which, therefore, constitutes a danger to the concepts of democratic governance. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khfainus.rtf
Film Analysis - Schindler's List / Geographical & Environmental Factors
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A 5 page overview of the geographical and environemtal factors which shaped the events which unfolded up to and during the events depicted in 'Schindlers List.' Identifies the many contrasts of the georaphic location and concludes that this location and the events connected to it could not occur elsewhere. Biblipography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Schind4.wps
Film Representation of the Holocaust -- Train of Life, Life is Beautiful, and Night
and Fog
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This 5 page report discusses three movies: Train of Life (1998), the well-known
and award-winning Italian work Life is Beautiful (1997), and the French documentary
Night and Fog (1955). The question being asked is whether comedy/fantasy or a fictional
representation has a greater impact than that of a documentary. Bibliography lists 6
Filename: BWholflm.rtf
Film Review / ‘‘Diary Of Anne Frank'
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A 3 page review of the movie in which the writer provides a brief plot summary and examines the question of whether or not the movie accurately represents the history of the time period it depicts.
Filename: Diaryofa.wps
Finding Meaning in Terror
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This 4 page paper discusses two books on the Holocaust: Victor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning" and Elie Wiesel's "Night." Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: HVFraWie.rtf
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This 3 page paper discusses the discovery of concentration camp survivor, Victor Frankl. This paper concerns itself with the 'meaning of life' which he explores in his work: Man's Search for Meaning. Quotes cited from text. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: MBfrnkl.rtf
Gays/Lesbian Perception Within Minority Groups And Jewish Stereotypes Circa World War II
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6 pages in length. Gay and lesbian members of minority groups receive the same level of disdain as they do from those outside their subpopulation. Indeed, one would expect gays and lesbians to be supported within their particular minority community, however, just because someone is Latino, black or Asian does not automatically mean he or she will embrace anymore social tolerance than anyone else. The ways in which Jews were stereotyped by the German people during the period before World War II are well documented by illustrating how at the time of World War I, totalitarianism was taking a stronghold upon Europe institutions, while the Great Depression proved to threaten the very character and destiny of Western civilization. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: TLCJewsGayLs.rtf
Genocide/A Global Trend
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A 3 page research paper that is the introduction to a much longer paper. This paper, however, addresses the topic of genocidal studies and its basic history and application. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: khgentrd.rtf
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