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Papers On Holocaust Studies
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Resistance To The Third Reich
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A 10 page research paper on the resistance efforts of two German pastors, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Niemöller. Both were held in Nazi concentration camps; Bonhoeffer was executed only 11 days before the camp was liberated by U.S. troops. Niemöller was released with the liberation by U.S. troops, and continued to be outspoken on pulpit responsibility until his death in 1984. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Reichres.wps
The Nazi Death Camps
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An 8 page overview of the atrocities of the Nazi Death Camps of World War II. Provides a factual account of the horrors of the camps and concludes that even though movies like 'Schindler's List' and accounts like 'The Diary of Anne Frank' give one some appreciation of all that occurred, nothing could possibly replicate the experience of having been there. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPnazi.wps
The Problem Of Evil # 2
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A 6 page paper exploring 'The Problem of Evil' using Elie Wiesel's Night as a foundation. The opinions of other philosophers and theologians, such as St. Augustine, C.S. Lewis, David Hume, and the Bible are integrated into the discussion.
Filename: Evil2.wps
Zen Buddhism Combined with Psychotherapy
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12 pages in length. This very interesting paper gives a background on both Zen Buddhism and psychotherapy, and shows how the combination of the two can create an even more successful and meaningful therapy for patients. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: JGAzenbu.wps
US Catholic's Response to the Holocaust
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This 10 page paper looks at the history of the Holocaust through the devices of the Catholic Church. First is a section on Christian anti-Semitism which gives background to the next 2 sections that examines the Catholic Church's response to the Holocaust by reviewing the attitudes and policies as presented by the Popes Pius XI and XII. The next section deals with anti-semitism in the United States and leads to a discussion of the response to Jewish discriminations. It concludes with a short summary of the information presented. The bibliography lists 16 sources.
Filename: Usholo.wps
Adolf Hitler and His Terrible Psychology
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A 7 page analytical discussion of Adolf Hitler as depicted by the authors of two books : 'The Mind Of Adolph Hitler' by Walter C. Langer and 'The Psychopathic God' by Robert G.L. Waite. The writer specifically examines the underlying psychological reasons for the Nazi leader's titanic will to power and discusses why we must never let such a man achieve greatness again.
Filename: Hitlerbk.wps
Adolf Hitler, A Study In Tyranny / Book Review
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A 5 page discussion and review of Allan Bullock's biography of the person who would come to be known as the 20th century's most evil individual. The book examines Hitler's reign in terms of political theory and ideology -- outlining how he represented a definitive example genuine tyranny. No Bibliography or additional sources used.
Filename: Hitlerty.wps
Adolf Hitler: Gone but Not Forgotten
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3 pages. A fascinating look at the reign of Adolf Hitler. This paper takes an in-depth look at the argument on whether he should be regarded as Man of the Century, or whether to let his memory be hidden from view. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JGAhtler.wps
Hitler And The Voters
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A 7 page paper that considers why people voted for Hitler between 1928 and 1932. The writer suggests that Hitler's personal characteristics and his ideologies were supported by the economic and political climate of his day and that people voted for him because they needed relief from their existing political and economic situations. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Hitler.doc
Hitler's 'SS' In The 1930s
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A 15 page analysis of the political situation in Germany in the 1930s, and what part the SS played in Hitler's rise to power, including the power struggle that went on between the SA and SS. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: SS1930.wps
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