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Papers On Selected Comparative Politics
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Foreign Policy: UK & US (The House of Commons &
Congress )
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(6 pp.) The proverbial statement that no man
is an island applies to countries as well as
individuals, and because that is the case, most
countries usually have established some means of
dealing with "foreign policy." This discussion
will focus on the relationship of foreign policy to
the United States' Congress and Britain's House of
Commons. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BBconghc.doc
Free Trade Agreements: The Realist Versus the Liberal Perspective:
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This 16 page paper details the differences in the realist versus the liberal perspectives in terms of free trade agreements. More specifically, this paper examines the world's largest free trade agreement: the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in order to highlight the underlying idiological issues. Bibliography lists 30 sources.
Filename: GSFreeTr.rtf
Freedom of Expression in Poland
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An 11 page paper which discusses restrictions
and/or limitations on freedom of expression in Poland. The primary text for this
examination is "Shtetl: The Life and Death of a Small Town and the World of Polish
Jews" by Eva Hoffman. The paper discusses some of the history of Poland as it relates to
culture and the media, as is presented in Hoffman's book, and discusses how the
constrictions and the economic conditions seem to play a large part in the lack of freedoms
in Poland as they involve the media and expression. Bibliography lists 4 additional sources.
Filename: RApoland.wps
Gamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt
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An 8 page paper which examines the life and influence
of Gamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt during the 1950s, 60s and 70s. Bibliography lists 4
Filename: RAnasser.rtf
Geographic Concerns and Afghanistan
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A 6 page discussion of the history of Afghanistan in terms of geographic interests. Describes a country which is not only automatically subject to the whims of her nearest neighbors but also to countries such as the Soviet Union who saw her as a strategic military position. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPafgha2.rtf
Gladstone and Chamberlain
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Joseph Chamberlain and William Gladstone had many opposing views which came to a head over the Home Rule vote in 1886. This 16 page paper looks at the diverse views of these two men, with Gladstone advocating dissemination of the imperial colonies into self governing entities and Chamberlain advocating imperial protectionism and emancipation. However, despite these two different political views on empire and imperialism it can also be argued that the politicians had similar goals, it was only the way these goals were achieved that differed. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEchamglad.rtf
Globalisation; Analysis of a Speech
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This 5 page paper examines DG Mike Moore speech "Making Globalization Work" given in Geneva on the 20 February 2002. This is a persuasive speech and emphasises an increased role of the World Trade Organisation in social development and responsibility. A number of tools are used, including careful wording, the use of statistics and references to commonalities as well as a constructive approach. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEglospeech.rtf
Globalization and its Effects on State Systems
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A 24 page paper which examines the positive and negative effects of globalization, and also considers how it specifically affects health, the environment, and human rights throughout the world. Bibliography lists 9 sources. TGglobalfx.rtf
Filename: TGglobalfx.rtf
Globalization Means Stability, Means Prosperity
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Before September 11, 2001, Washington, D.C. observers began calling the United States a benevolent imperialist on the path of walking poorer countries into the global community (LeFeber, 2002, 1). Despite its retractors, this has proved out. In one example, China is reaping the economic benefits of globalization, while retaining its autonomy. Discussed is national autonomy within the global community as means to stability and prosperity. Bibliography lists 7 sources. JVglobgv.rtf
Filename: JVglobgv.rtf
Hang In There Mr. Gore
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(10pp) This discussion was to be constructed to
appeal to an audience who is more apathetic than
hostile. It is suggested that, not only is this a
unique moment in history to participate in the
political system, but it is a better investment
of personal economics and energy to not sit
through Electoral College re-runs of the 2000
elections. They just aren't as fun the second
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BBflrcnt.doc
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