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Papers On Selected Comparative Politics
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Comparative Politics / Formal Power In France vs. Spain
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An 8 page research paper in which the writer compares the formal power of Spain and France. Specifically examined is the role of formal state power, as seen in the actual constitutions of each country and how these are each representative of present day Western European politics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Comppo.wps
Comparative Politics / U.S.A. vs. Mexico
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A 9 page research paper comparing the office & duties of the President, State Governments, Justices, and various function of Armed Forces as they each exist in the United States and Mexico. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Mexiamer.wps
Comparison / U.S. & Mexico Politics, Judiciary
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An 8 page comparison of the two countries in terms of the party system, electoral system, and the judiciary. Other information touched on includes the executive branches of government, recent changes in Mexico, and apathy in the U.S. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Umexico.doc
Comparison of Two Political Leaders
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Francisco Franco was a general and authoritarian leader who governed Spain from 1939 through 1975. Robert Gabriel Mugabe was President of Zimbabwe in more recent years. This 4 page essay compares and contrasts their respective rise to power as well their leadership style. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Francmug.wps
Corruption in Third World Nations
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This 8 page report discusses corruption in Third World nations and addresses the question of whether it is an inherent flaw in the world’s least developed nations or if it is the fault of Western influence. The author makes the argument that corruption is fundamentally the result of the influence of the West. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWcor3rd.rtf
Country Facts: Australia And The United States
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4 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses geography, economics, government, religion, language and exchange rate as they relate to Australia and the United States. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCAusUSFacts.rtf
Democracy in Action
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This 14 page paper compares and contrasts two democratic countries; Macedonia and Austria. The paper explains the government systems, including the executive, legislature and judiciary, outlines the current position and election systems and considers their relevant in terms of the lifecycle. The paper also compares both systems with a democratic ideal. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEmaceau.rtf
Democratic Deficit in the European Union Decision Making Processes
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This 10 page paper considers the argument that a democratic deficit exists within the EU decision making processes, typified by the unelected Commission and the Council of Ministers. The paper considers the control mechanisms that seek to ensure the inclusion of democracy, how these may support a deficit and also includes arguments that the deficit may be in the interests of the community. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Filename: TEdemdef.rtf
Developed and Developing Democracy; A Comparison
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This 8 page paper considers the framework of democracy in a nation state. The paper compares an older established democracy with a younger and more recent model of democracy. The countries of the United States and Indonesia are examined and compared. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEdevdem.wps
Did Negative Publicity against The AKP During The 2002 Turkish General Elections Help To Secure Their Victory
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This 17 page paper is proposal and a literature review to consider the hypothesis that the negative publicity campaign carried by the secular press against the Truth and Justice Party (AKP) during the 2002 general elections in Turkey helped the AKP to secure their victory. Te paper gives an online proposal and then carries out a literature review, looking at the position in Turkey and looks at relevant theories, such as the way negative campaigns have been seen in other countries and the value of PR such as that conducted by the AKP. The last few pages are a summary of the sources used in the literature review. The bibliography cites 14 sources.
Filename: TEakpmedia.rtf
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