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Papers On Selected Comparative Politics
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Did The Insertion Of Nuclear Weapons Into International Relations In 1945 Cause The Cold War?
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This 8 page paper considers the background to the Cold War and considers if the development of nuclear weapons can be seen as the cause or the catalyst that triggered the cold war between the US and the USSR. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEnuccold.rtf
Dissertation Proposal; Critical Evaluation of UK Welfare Benefits and/or Support System for Asylum Seekers and its’ Implications for Women Asylum Seekers and Refugees with Particular Focus on Somali Asylum Seekers and Refugees
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This 22 page paper is the proposal for a dissertation to examine the impact of the UK welfare state on asylum seekers and how this impacts particularly on Somali woman and children who may be mire vulnerable and need more support than other asylum seekers groups. The paper outlines research questions, presents an outline literature review that includes consideration of the role of the welfare state and the way in which asylum seekers and refuges are treated and a methodology for primary research with the use of interviews. The bibliography cites 45 sources.
Filename: TEasywelfare.rtf
Do Common Social and Regional Policies Promote Convergence in the EU?
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This 6 page paper considers if the current social and regional policies promote convergence in the European Union by looking at the systems, the results and the impact of subsidiarity as well as the role that economic policies can play in gaining social convergence. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEsoccnv.rtf
Does Globalisation undermine Sovereignty?
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This 7 page paper examines the argument that globalization undermines and erodes sovereignty of the nation state. The paper examines the concept of sovereignty and then looks at the way it may be eroded by supranational bodies, such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization. The paper also considers the increased economic integration and interpedently of the global economy as an influence. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEsovglobe.rtf
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E-government is a concept that has revolutionised bureaucracy and the way governments operate in the 21st century. This 10 page paper explains the concept of e-government and using an example of use one Singapore which has adopted e-government, evaluates how effective one aspect of e-government has been and looks at the implications of e-government on the future. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Filename: TEegovmt.rtf
East Timor; Was it Genocide?
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This 8 page paper considers the definition of genocide and the events that occurred in East Timor, focusing on the post ballot period of 1999. The 1948 convention has a definition that is open to interpretation regarding issues such as intention. This paper consider how, the events may be considered as Genocide, and why the charge may be difficult to bring, epically with the additional criteria or requirements recommended by the Preparatory Commission for the International Criminal Court. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEgenocide.rtf
Economic Development Issues Concerning Panama
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This 10 page paper discusses the past and
projected economic development issues which
concern the country of Panama. Those areas of
discussion include: The Uniqueness of Panama; After
the U.S. Military Intervention; The Return of the
Canal; Economic Potential; and Fuuture Issues and
Concerns. As the information base of the country
and its citizens expand, there will still be
conflicts, but time has shown that these issues,
which often seem insurmountable and tempt a country
or its government to ignore them , do have the
possibility of negotiation, particularly where the
health and welfare of a proud historic people is
involved. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: BBpanama.doc
Economic Disparity in the Pacific Rim
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This 13 page paper provides an overview and analysis of economic conditions in this part of the world. Positive and negative economies of Asia are discussed in depth and attention is paid to countries like Japan, China, South Korea and Indonesia. Reasons for the disparity are provided. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: SA243rim.rtf
Ecuadorian Immigrants in the U.S.
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A 4 page review of the history and contributions of Ecuadorian immigrants in the U.S. Emphasizing Ecuadorians in New York City, the author contends that their contributions have been invaluable and that we should be appreciative rather than scornful of these people. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: PPimmEcu.rtf
Electoral Systems; Germany and the UK
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This 6 page paper considers the different systems for general elections in Germany and the United Kingdom. The writer outlines the systems and then contrasts them. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEgermel.wps
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