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Papers On Marketing Case Studies
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E-commerce; The Case of Iceland Air and British Airways
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This 8 page paper is written in two parts. The first part looks at the web sites for Iceland Air and British Airways and assesses them for cultural sensitivity and ease of navigation. The second part of the paper performs a PEST analysis, looking at the political, economic, social and technological influences on airlines with specific reference to their use of e-commerce and the internet. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEicelandair.rtf
E-Marketing for Success
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This 13 page paper consider a case where an e-business has seen declining page hits and reduced profits. The paper looks at why this may have occurred and how it can be changed by way of using competitive advantage and marketing communications. Using real cases as examples to demonstrate points raised the paper concludes with recommendations of how to change the marketing of the company. The bibliography cites 26 sources.
Filename: TEecomma.wps
Eastman Kodak / As It Continues To Develop
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In this 7 page case study of Kodak, the writer evaluates corporate restructuring and the re-marketability of Photo CD-- a product that has already failed somewhat in the consumer market but went on to be repositioned and targeted towards business consumers anyway. Kodak's marketing strategy and potential for success are analyzed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Kodak.wps
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This 12 page paper examines the low cost airline EasyJet, the main rival of Ryanair, looking at the market they compete in, how they perform in this market, their competitive advantages and marketing strategies. The paper ends with marketing recommendations that build on the current messages and will appeal the existing target market as well as attract new business. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEeasyjet.rtf
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This 3 page paper provides an overview on this new niche for the travel industry. Advantages are highlighted. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA344ect.rtf
Eddie Bauer; A Case Study
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This 7 page paper looks at this company that appears to have had problems over the past few years. The company is examined with reference to its recent past, since its' acquisition by Spiegel, and considers the appropriateness of the marketing mix it has adopted. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Filename: TEbauer1.wps.
Effective Advertising
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This 5 page paper looks at two advertisements and examines them to show how they are effective. The two advertisements are Maybelline Sky High Curves mascara and the diesel X-type Jaguar. The advertisements are examined for content and the way that the message is communicated by way of information and emotional appeal and the use of brand knowledge and aspiration. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEmaybelline.rtf
Emotional Branding at Abercrombie & Fitch
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A 4 page paper answering 4 questions about this retailer’s difficulty in keeping the attention of the narrow target market it seeks. The questions are based on a 2003 article appearing in The Wall Street Journal, “Maybe Sex Doesn’t Sell, A & F Is Discovering.” Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSmktgEmotBrnd.rtf
Employment Sector Web Sites : A Marketing Analysis
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This 12 page paper looks at four different firms' web sites in this sector. Criteria is set and each site is evaluated accordingly. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: SA313web.rtf
Entering a New Market; Car Parts in India;
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This 12 page paper is a marketing report aimed at considering a proposed entrance into a new market. The example here is the automotive industry and the market for spare parts in India. The paper looks at the current environment the country as well as in the industry by using Porter Five Forces model. The writer then goes on to consider the strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats of this venture by way of a SWOT analysis. The writer then looks at the marketing requirements, what will need to be changed and the overall marketing strategy. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEpartsI.wps
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