Papers On Marketing & Consumer Behavior
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Price Competition
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6 pages in length. Price competition is often the primary component between and among rival companies. However, woven within a company's price structure is a collection of other critical elements that help to shape the ultimate strategy.
While company A might have a better product at a slightly lower price, company B's marketing tactics allow for them to be extremely competitive while still charging pennies more for the same item. The writer discusses how product pricing is not merely affixing a price tag; rather, it is the culmination of industry statistics, marketing ploys and an
overall understanding of a particular store's target
audience. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCprice.wps
Price Elasticity and Pricing Strategy
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A 5 page paper assessing the effects of the marketing department's recommendation that a producer of an unnamed product lower prices by 10 percent. The purpose here is to assess the effects of this action on profits and competitive responses. The paper considers the 4 Ps of marketing, price elasticity issues and effects on profits with and without competitive response. The most likely reaction will be that the producer gains a great advantage early on, which will begin to decline as competitors also reduce prices. The producer will gain less benefit as more competitors follow suit, for the consumer will have many choices of product at lower prices, rather than only the one of the early days of the price reduction. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSmktgPriElas.rtf
Price Elasticity and Pricing Strategy 2
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A 9 page paper expanding on the pricing considerations presented in the 5-page paper of the same name. The additional discussion in this longer paper addresses what a price-cutting retailer of bicycles can expect to happen to profits with and without a competitive response to the original retailer's reduction in prices. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSmktgPriElas2.rtf
Pricing Issues in the European Automotive Market
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A 30 page paper extending the automotive market discussion in the 26-page paper of the same name. The paper discusses the euro's role in the pricing dilemmas that Europe's auto makers face, including the state of the product cycle in the auto industry. The increasing pressures of global competition in the auto industry exacerbate Europe's auto makers' pricing and product dilemmas. The paper discusses general pricing issues and the elasticity of the price for cars. It recommends that one or two competitors can gain significant short term benefit in increased revenues through decreasing prices temporarily, which has been the case at Volkswagen in the period of 2000 to 2002. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: KSeuPricAuto2.rtf
Pricing Strategy / The Task Of Setting Price
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A 5 page paper in which the writer discusses the basic strategic planning that goes into setting price. As an example, the paper takes a brief look at the pricing strategies incurred in price setting for a fictional company marketing a drug that cures Aids. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Price.wps
Print Advertising
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(5 pp) We see so much advertising that we tend to
become either jaded about the advertising process,
or we only notice those ads that we feel are
striking and well done. The ad chosen for
discussion is a TWA airlines ad in the November 27,
2000 issue of Newsweek (page 69). The qualities
of print advertising will be examined, as well as
the "bottom line" of the selling "pitch."
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BBprintA.doc
Procter & Gamble's Vizir Launch
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A 5 page paper discussing Harvard case
384-139 in which Procter & Gamble is contemplating introducing a liquid laundry
detergent in Europe. The question before it is whether to launch in successive individual
nations or across Europe for the purpose of testing the "Eurobrand" concept. Procter &
Gamble already knows that Vizir is a marginal product in terms of consumer acceptance of
its form, but it carries promise if the company has correctly identified emerging trends in
laundry habits. It is quite possible that Vizir will be more valuable as an organizational
learning lesson than as a profitable product across Europe. It is certain that its launch as a
Eurobrand can be beneficial for the company if the process is managed well. Bibliography
lists 1 source.
Filename: KSPGvizir.wps
Proctor & Gamble Case Study : Rumors Of Satanism
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A 6 page paper. In the early 1980s, rumor began floating that Proctor & Gamble's Trademark represents the devil and Satanism. The Trademark was designed in the mid-1800s; it includes 13 stars and a bearded man-in-the-moon. The writer explains what the Trademark really represents and relates the company tried to modify the depiction in the early days only to have drastic results. The paper also discusses the revival of these absurd rumors in the mid-1990s and what the company did. The paper then goes on to discuss integrated marketing communication approaches and how P&G could use these tools to mitigate the negative impact each time these rumors surface. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGpgrmr.rtf
Product Introduction at Procter & Gamble
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A 5 page paper discussing
whether Procter & Gamble should add a fourth dishwashing liquid brand. Based on Harvard
Case 9-584-047, the paper recommends that the company reformulate and promote
improvements in its DawnŽ brand rather than introduce a new one. Bibliography lists 1
Filename: KSprocterGam.wps
Product Segmentation Strategy
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A 5 page paper determining marketing segmentation for the Xerox DC420, a multifunction machine with capability for digital printing, faxing, copying and scanning. The product is intended for the mid-sized business and can be upgraded as customer needs change. The paper provides product description; demographic and psychographic profiles; and a perceptual map. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSmktgSegmX.rtf
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