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Papers On Marketing & Consumer Behavior
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Marketing's Importance To Small Business
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A 6 page paper identifying and relating the importance of major marketing concepts to the success of the small business. A Los Angeles executive gift service is used as example throughout. The business desparately needed to expand its customer base and employed the services of a marketing consultant who failed to consider all the needs of the business and the market targeted. Another consultant explains what went wrong and why. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Market.doc

Marketing: Mercedes-Benz E Class Versus Lexus Gs Series
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This 8 page paper compares the marketing strategies of these two companies. Specific topics include: target markets; relationship marketing; promotional strategies; marketing mix, such as product, promotion, distribution, selling, public relations, pricing strategy; a comparison of Web sites and the audience they seem to be targeting; international marketing and recommendations for Mercedes to compete better with Lexus. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PGmrlx.rtf

Mass Customization; The Case of Nike
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This 5 page paper considers how mass customization is being used by Nike and their iD brand. The writer consider this model, how it operates as well as the advantages and disadvantages that Nike may feel as a result of adopting this strategy. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEnikemc.rtf

McDonald's Promotional Programs
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7 pages in length. This report on McDonald's will answer questions pertaining to the company's use of promotions to bring in more business. Focus is on the types of promotions used, the advertising mix, amount spent on promotions, internet presence, as well as how McDonald's manages its sales force. Very informative and useful paper in a glimpse at the marketing procedures of one of the most successful companies of all time. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: JGAmcdon.wps

McDonald's – Analysis
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This 9 page paper responds to three specific questions: McDonald's global performance, which includes a brief overview of the history of McDonald's and the fast food industry and also identifies challenges the company has been facing in recent years. This section also provides data regarding the company. The second topic is an evaluation of some of the causes for McDonald's problems right now and includes an analysis according to Porter's model. Other forces and threats that are not necessarily categorized in the five forces are discussed. The last topic includes recommendations for the company. Data are included. 1 Appendix reports fiscal data regarding profit margin. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: PGmcd2.rtf

Michael Porter's Marketing Strategy: Sony
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11 pages in length. Upon referencing Michael Porter's 1990 definition of globalization, one can readily surmise that the benefits can be quite significant to businesses like Sony that seek both domestic and foreign markets in which to sell or manufacture. If one were to apply the Porter Model to the myriad considerations of Sony's globalization, one would immediately understand how and why this particular system would prove effective in determining the position the company may enact as a player in global economics. Within the five forces of Porter's Model resides the formula that can help Sony realize its financial opportunities when it comes to diversification and competition of its Walkman product line. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: TLCsony.wps

Model Marketing Campaign
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A 9 page marketing campaign designed for the cooperative Almagated United Growers Company. Information on trends, competition, demographics, target marketing, objectives, and more-- are broken down into a set of formal stages. An excellent reference for anyone studying marketing. Bibliography lists 9 supporting sources.
Filename: Campmktg.wps

Monopolies, Oligopolies and Pure Competition
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6 pages in length. This paragraph deals with monopolies, oligopolies, pure competition and monopolistic competition. Includes graphs for easy reference. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: JGAolimn.wps

Music Piracy and Copyright Law
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This 10 page paper takes a look at music piracy and copyright law and how entities like Napster have gone south. Some cases are mentioned. Recommendations on what record companies should do to make money are noted. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: SA247msc.rtf

NASCAR: History And Marketing :
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A 14 page paper that provides the history of car racing beginning in the prohibition era. The first actual organized race was held in Daytona Beach in 1938, organized by Bill France who went on to establish the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing. NASCAR was officially established in 1947 with the first race under the bylaws and rules being held in 1948. A lot has changed since those first races. Today, the NASCAR races take place across the country although Daytona Beach is still the headquarters for the organization. This essay traces the history and evolution of NASCAR and comments on the changing demographics of fans over the years. The second part of this essay focuses on marketing strategies used by NASCAR, including partnerships and sponsors. The essay concludes with comments regarding future trends in marketing strategies. Data regarding fans and sponsors are included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: PGnascar.rtf

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