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Papers On Marketing & Consumer Behavior
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Sports Car Marketing Environment
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A 9 page paper discussing changes in the sports car industry. The sports car segment of the auto industry has undergone terrible times in the past decade, but it is beginning to rebound. Here are discussed micro- and macroenvironmental issues, as well as several core marketing concepts. The sports car segment is seen to have been so encouraging in recent years that several makers are reentering the category. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSsprtsCar.wps

Sports Marketing / Research & Reality
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A 12 page research paper on some of the basics, and importance of, market research in the field of sports marketing. The paper looks at some of the marketing activities of (1) auto racing, now the country s second most popular sport (surprise!) following only football in revenues and viewership; (2) Notre Dame, alone among college sports organizations who conduct their own licensing pursuits; and (3) the Carolina Hurricanes, an ice hockey team that ended the 1996 hockey season as the New England Whalers, based in Connecticut. A baseball analyst wrote in 1992 that the national organizations were damaging the future of the national pastime by following only the immediate dollar without working for the good of the game, and his predictions seem to have been realized. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Sports.doc

Sports Marketing Management
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A 9 page paper that responds to specific student-generated questions regarding sports marketing management. Those topics include: an explanation of what sport marketing is; identifying fans; brand equity and management and how to enhance brand equity; using customer databases; niche marketing; and what service quality means. Examples are included throughout the paper. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGsptmkt.rtf

Spousal Influence in the Consumer Decision Making Process
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This 5 page paper examines one article about spousal influence in the consumer decision making processes with a focus on subcultural variations. Gender and cultural differences are examined. The article is assessed and used as a springboard for further discussion. No additional sources cited.
Filename: SA038con.wps

Sprint PCS Marketing
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An 8 page paper that looks into Sprint PCS and their marketing campaign. Sprint is compared to its two primary competitors, AT&T and Vodafone/Air Touch in terms of size. The writer then discusses: the marketing environment, such as target market, legal/political, socio-cultural, competition; industry trends; recent developments and finally comments on future directions for the industry and for Spring PCS. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PGsprint.msw

St. Jude Medical, Inc.
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A 5 page paper providing a SWOT analysis and stock chart comparison of St. Jude Medical and its two leading competitors. St. Jude is contemplating introducing a new heart monitoring device. The paper assesses St. Jude’s position in its industry and likely health care provider, payer and patient acceptance to recommend that the company proceed with the introduction of the new product. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtStJude.rtf

Stages of Product Life Cycle
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A 4 page paper explaining the five stages of product life cycle. The writer provides classic definitions of each stage and offers examples of how they pertain to a specific industry. No Bibliography.
Filename: Lifecycl.wps

Standardization in Globalization
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An 11 page paper discussing a statement made in 1973 by Harvard’s Theodore Levitt. He announced that “the modern global corporation ... will seek to force suitably standardised products and practices on the entire globe.” The purpose here is to critically assess that statement. The paper reviews management theory, management models and provides many organizational examples in arguing that while Levitt’s vision is reasonable, vast cultural differences in attitudes and perspectives remain. Though management theory may be applicable to a broad range of nations, management style likely is not. Marketing certainly is not universal in its effects, and neither is product use and acceptance. Levitt’s vision still is taking form, and there likely will be greater uniformity in products and processes in the future, but it is doubtful that we will reach true universal uniformity. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: KSglobalStds.rtf

Starbucks in the UK; A Case Study
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This 5 page paper is a examination of Starbucks in the UK. The paper begins with a PEST analysis, looking at the political, economic, social and technological influences on the chain. The writer then considers how business may be increased during the slack periods and also looks at branding and positioning.
Filename: TEstarb1.rtf

Strategic Brand Management in an International Environment
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This 16 page paper considers the way in which a brand may be strategically managed in order to maximize value and return. The writer considers issues such as the decision to standardize or customize brand the brand image in different geographical areas, the importance of positioning and brand extensions. Many examples are cited in the paper to illustrate the points raised, including companies such as Nike, Reebok, Proctor and Gamble and Gillett. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
Filename: TEbrandm.rtf

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