Papers On Marketing & Consumer Behavior
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Service Quality Measurement
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This 14 page paper critically appraises the current state of affairs with regard to service quality measurement theories and their associated underlying theoretical models. The paper includes, but is not isolated to TQM and SERVQUAL, what they are, how they are used and the way they may add value to an organisation. The bibliography cites 23 sources.
Filename: TEsermes.rtf
Service With a Smile - The "Soft" Touch Revisited
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A 3 page paper that defines the characteristics of effective service encounters and argues that a point somewhere between the pretense of "emotional labor" and the overkill of too much technicality is the best vantage point for customer relations. Included is a discussion of the "soft" skills inherent in emotional intelligence as well as a short summary of the characteristics displayed by individuals possessing these skills. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: LCServce.wps
Shop the Mom-and-Pops!
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A 7 page paper written as a speech urging local consumers to shop at small local businesses rather than automatically heading to Wal-Mart or another large chain. There is no question that the presence of Wal-Mart changes the local shopping choices that now exist. That change does not have to be negative, however. It can be highly positive, beneficial for shop owners and their customers, and make valuable contribution to building and maintaining a sense of community. Local merchants will need to change some of the things they do in the course of their businesses, but those changes have been needed for some time. Having a new Wal-Mart move to town merely gives shop owners unavoidable reason for change, providing reasons for shoppers to continue to support them. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSshopLocally.rtf
Shopping From Home
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25 pages in length. A thorough discussion of the home shopping network, QVC and others. The writer looks at their history, growing popularity and the future of at-home & on-line shopping. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Homeshop.wps
Sites That Sizzle - An Analysis of Website Design
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An 8 page paper that analyzes the appeal of the home pages of twenty separate websites on the basis of user-friendliness, color, graphics and professionalism. Also included is a brief discussion of the factors that make some websites sizzle while others sink.
Filename: LCsizzle.doc
Social Welfare, The Environment And Animal Rights: Integral Aspects Of A Modern Market's Jurisdiction
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6 pages in length. The ever-changing landscape of market jurisdiction currently reflects three prominent issues: social welfare, the environment and animal rights. If one were to look back forty years, an entirely different set of priorities were at the forefront of market impact; forty years from now they will once again have gravitated to the most pressing issues reflected by the times. Examining how social welfare, the environment and animal rights are integral aspects of a modern market's jurisdiction, it becomes clear how each one on its own represents the ongoing struggle for peaceful compromise between man and his surroundings, both natural and manufactured; when combined, the three elements create a synergistic presence that simply cannot be ignored by today's market standards. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TLCMrktJ.rtf
Sony Playstation 2: US Launch
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A 10 page paper discussing conditions surrounding the release of Sony’s video game. Sony’s launch of the PS2 already has occurred in Japan in March 2000. Its US launch is scheduled for October 2000, and consumers in the US are anxiously awaiting the release. Sony is having difficulty meeting production, however, and the PS2 in Japan has been found to have quality problems. It needs to define a strategy for its US launch in light of its current constraints. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtSonyPS2.rtf
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This 5-page paper focused on the direct mail industry in South Africa and why it has not developed as well as it is in the United States. Issues discussed include privacy, a poor nationwide postal system and credit card fraud. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MTSAdima.rtf
Southwest Airlines
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6 pages in length. In this paper we will
look at the near term industry position of the airline industry
in general, as well as the near term firm position of Southwest
Airlines. An economic forecast for Southwest Airlines will be
included as well. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JGAsoair.wps
Specialized Site Surfing - An Analysis of Specific-Content Websites
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An 8 page paper that presents an analysis of eight specialized, specific-content websites. Discussed are the overall presentation of each of these websites in regard to graphics and theme, color and contrast, user-friendliness, and professionalism.
Filename: LCsites.doc
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