Papers On Marketing & Consumer Behavior
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Marketing Plan For A Community Nursing Program
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A 6 page paper on recruiting student volunteers to work with homeless children at a homeless shelter. The writer describes the methods proposed to recruit volunteers along with unique innovations to motivate students. Techniques for assessment of the program are described. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Nursemar.wps
Marketing Plan For A Community Nursing Program # 2
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A 5 pager on recruiting women from an inner-city homeless shelter to attend S.T.D. workshops. The writer describes the methods proposed to recruit them as well as how to evaluate whether or not these are successful. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Nursema2.wps
Marketing Plan for Affordable Housing
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A 10 page marketing plan for concentrated home building. Materials and labor costs are higher than ever before, but there is a real need for affordable housing that serves that middle ground between public low-income housing and the soaring transitionals going up on postage-stamp sized lots in developments across the nation. A niche has opened to the builder committed to quality and to holding down costs where ever possible, as many would-be home buyers find most new housing beyond their reach. Building in accordance with the standards of government-backed lenders assures acceptance by nearly every mortgage broker, many of which are seeking additional funding opportunities themselves as the wave of refinancing and upper-end new home purchases slows. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Affordh.wps
Marketing Plan for California Financial Computing, Inc
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A 12 page paper discussing a software company's need for changing their marketing focus. The primary source of the success of the business has been their relationship with the savings and loans financial institutions in the state of California. Those institutions are quickly diminishing in number, however, as federal regulations prohibiting wide geographical coverage by mainstream banking have been relaxed and merger activity has increased to levels never before seen. The company believes that their continued success depends on their ability to also serve the more standard branch of banking, and sees the Year 2000 problem as an opportunity to aid their entry into that market. Bibliography lists 10 sources. Mktgcal.wpd.
Filename: Mktgcal.wpd.
Marketing Plan for DirectInvest Brokerage Service
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A 10 page paper presenting a marketing plan for a startup online brokerage services firm. The online discount broker is the current news of stock trading. At just over 200,000 trades daily involving more than 100 million shares of stock, Internet trading still represents only a fraction of the total volume of any major exchange, but that volume grows at nearly 50% annually and is expected to grow at an even higher rate after totally secure transactions are assured for trading, as well as with the growth of the Internet. This marketing plan presents a current view of the industry and determines ways that DirectInvest can outlast the competition. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Directin.wps
Marketing Plan for Dr. Finch
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A 12 page paper presenting a plan to enhance the marketing efforts of a one-dentist dental practice in British Columbia, Canada. As a licensed professional, Dr. Finch still is severely restricted in the number and scope of marketing avenues available to her, but those limitations also apply to all of her competitors as well. There are several routes that Dr. Finch can take to maximize measurable results from marketing efforts – measured in terms of new patients and increase revenues – that competitors are unlikely to recognize as being available to them as well. The paper discusses the marketing mix (the 4 Ps), how the practice might track and control its marketing efforts and discusses the returns on Dr. Finch’s time on a cost-benefit basis. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSmktgDrFinchBas.rtf
Marketing Plan for Photos4u
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A 10 page marketing plan for a new
photography studio in a California city of 200,000. The city is surrounded by rich
farmland and is too far away from a major metropolitan area to be considered to be a
"bedroom" community; it is largely independent of other population centers. The paper
includes discussion of markets and demographics, a SWOT analysis and an action plan.
Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KSmktPhoto.wps
Marketing Plan For Small Start-Up Business
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A 7 page paper that focuses on marketing a new business - a microbrewery. Topics include: an introduction, the product life cycle marketing concept, marketing mix using the 4 Ps, and demographics of the target market. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGmicro.wps
Marketing Plan for Stylized Gourd Birdhouses
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An 11 page paper presenting a marketing plan for birdhouses that will be made from long neck “dipper” style gourds that have been altered in development. Designs or individuals’ names will be etched into the flesh of the small, developing gourd, growing as the gourd develops to full size. The result will be a decorative yet fully natural birdhouse that can be used either as a birdhouse or as an interior decorative piece. No sources listed.
Filename: KSmktgBirdhs.rtf
Marketing Plan: Snowboard Shop – Tutorial
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A 5 page paper. A situation analysis, i.e., analysis the industry, begins this paper. The writer then offers marketing objectives. A discussion of the marketing mix, using the traditional 4 Ps is included. Tutorial comments are included. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGsnbd.rtf
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