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Papers On Marketing & Consumer Behavior
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Marketing New And Used Automotive Parts On The Internet
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14 pages in length. Jumping on the Internet bandwagon, the new/used automotive parts industry has begun to experience what most every other major dot.com presence has encountered: an increase in sales, a decrease in production/overhead costs and a clientele of people they would otherwise never be able to reach through conventional, brick-and-mortar methods. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TLCMrktAu.rtf

Marketing of Goods vs. Services
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7 pages in length. There are those who feel that there are significant differences in the marketing of goods versus those of the marketing of products. The purpose of this paper is to examine these differences as well as any similarities in order to consider whether there are strategic considerations that are similar to the marketing of both. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: JGAgdser.wps

Marketing of PETsMART
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5 pages in length. The writer discusses various aspects of PETsMART's marketing program, including pricing, advertising, promotions and product line. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCpMart.wps

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This 15-page paper focuses on why colleges should develop marketing plans and stragegies. Topics under discussion include SWOT and PEST analysis, as well as some recommendations for a ficitious college. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Filename: MTcolmkt.rtf

Marketing on the Internet; A Case Study
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This 18 page paper considers the advantages and disadvantages of marketing in the internet and how a company should undertake deciding whether to develop an internet presence. Included in the paper are issues such as the presence and size of the target market, the suitability of the product and the use of the web to support or create sales and the strategic use of marketing on the internet to reduce traditional risks. The case concerns Benetton and whether they should pursue an internet strategy, however, the theories and arguments are relevant for other industries and companies. The bibliography cites 19 sources.
Filename: TEmarweb.rtf

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This paper attempts to link the concept of market orientation with profitability in firms. Topics discussed include what market orientation is (and how it differs from "marketing") and challenges inherent in implementing it in firms. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: MTmarori.rtf

Marketing Pagers And Cellular Phones In Cyberspace
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15 pages in length. To be a pioneer in one's industry is to encourage all others to follow; however, the company that ultimately started the progressive ball rolling is typically the one that will reap the most benefits. The writer discusses various marketing aspect as they relate to launching a new cyberbusiness for pagers and cellular phones. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: TLCcellp.wps

Marketing Plan / Lush Ice Cream and Sorbets
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A 12 page marketing plan. Lush Ice Cream and Sorbets is a startup company that is far from just another ice cream manufacturer. The company's target market is comprised of vacationers visiting coastal resorts along the North and South Carolina coastline. Lush offers a few standard ice cream flavors (i.e., chocolate and vanilla), but nearly all the product line is composed of high-quality 'bar flavors.' That is, Mudslide ice cream and Margarita sorbet. All are non-alcoholic, and all are packaged in reusable thermal mugs that carry advertising at least of Lush and specific resorts, but is open to other local businesses as well, such as higher-end restaurants serving the tourist trade. Ben & Jerry's shows an example of a regional business turned national; Lush has determined to grow as a collection of regional successes administered by one central location. Bibliography lists ten sources.
Filename: Lush.wps

Marketing Plan / Overview to Increase Sales
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5 pages total. A short overview of plans for a computer company to augment its sales volume of laptop computers. Using basic marketing techniques, the strategy described seeks to better define the company's target niche and develop a plan to reach it. First page is a sample excerpt from the "Minutes" of a previous executive board meeting (in accordance with "Robert's Rules"). Paper concludes with a brief outlook for the future. No Bibliography.
Filename: Laptops.wps

Marketing Plan Evaluation
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A 6 page comprehensive overview of how corporations develop marketing/advertising plans and then evaluate their effectiveness. Specific examples are provided. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: sources.

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