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Papers On Marketing & Consumer Behavior
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Marketing in the United Kingdom Financial Services Market
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This 7 page paper considers the way that market segmentation in this industry is manifested and its' importance in terms of the purchase decision, the types of purchases made and the choice of intermediary. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEfinmrk.wps

Marketing Management
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The Sports Drink Industry: 8 pages in length. Although foods account for more than fifty percent of its sales, beverages have become its strongest unit for the Quaker Oat Company, the manufacturers of the popular sports drink, Gatorade. This paper focuses on how Quaker segments the sports drink market, what the future marketing plans are, as well as past marketing strategies. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: JGAquakr.wps

Marketing Management / Customer Satisfaction & Profitability
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This 5 page paper discusses the relationship between customer satisfaction and profitability. Even in today's fiercely competitive market, some executives believe the two are mutually exclusive but other executives recognize that they are integrated. These opinions are discussed with examples. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGcussat.wps

Marketing Management in Commercial Real Estate
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A 10 page paper discussing factors to consider in marketing the commercial real estate business. Marketing is always important to the commercial real estate firm, but never more so than now. The current economic slowdown brings a need to more carefully target the marketing message, but also to make it available in a greater variety of venues including the Internet. Macroeconomic indicators should influence marketing efforts, for marketing needs to be more intense in times of diminished economic activity. Includes an abstract and outline. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: KSmkComRE.wps

Marketing Men's Toiletries : Old Spice
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10 page paper. The male grooming and hygiene market is one that is dynamic and growing, albeit slowly. Deodorants account for about one-half of this market. Old Spice introduced four new products in 2001, one of which was Cool Contact Refreshment Towels, a deodorizing pre-moistened towlette. The major part of this paper presents a marketing and sales plan for this new product. Data reflecting sales increases in the global men's toiletries industry are included. The last part of the paper discusses why customer care is important and what can be done to improve customer service. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGoldsp.rtf

Marketing Models
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This 4 page paper considers the use of marketing models for assessing a marketing campaign. Fourt and Woolock model, the Parfitt and Collins model, simulation models and non metric multidimensional preference analysis (MDS). The paper assesses which is best used for a single purchase and looks at the strengths and weaknesses of the models. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEmarmod.rtf

Marketing Mueller’s Spaghetti®
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A 5 page paper discussing Mueller’s Spaghetti®, a brand now more than 125 years old. Until only a few years ago, it was a brand of Bestfoods and then became a brand of Unilever when it acquired Bestfoods. Mueller’s is a spaghetti brand recognized everywhere, yet is not the market leader in the US. Despite not leading its market in the US, there are several countries throughout the world where Mueller’s is either first or second in that country’s market. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSmuellersSpag.rtf

Marketing Music On The Internet
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A 6 page essay on the past, present and future of music marketing. The discussion of the future of music marketing focuses primarily on various forms of Internet marketing. A few of the topics broached are marketing from its earliest days when nearly anyone could be published in sheet music but recordings were scarce, to radio-driven popularity/sales building, to today's Internet market where the mass market approach is reduced to marketing to an audience of one, followed by some anticipated trends for the future. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Netmusic.wps

Marketing Music on the Internet
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A 10 page paper discussing how the Internet and digital music have evolved together. Though the future of Napster largely has been left to copyright holders, the likely demise of Napster does not signify the end of all digital music exchange on the Internet. Rather, that in the future will be used to drive CD sales. Increased acceptance of downloaded music can allow new artists and independent music companies to gain much greater exposure than otherwise would be possible. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: KSmktgIntMusic.wps

Marketing NetJets
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An 11 page paper discussing the marketing base of NetJets, a fractional ownership airline company. NetJets uses a time-share concept to sell interest in corporate-sized jets, enabling the purchase of as little as one-eighth ownership rather than bearing the total cost of purchase, maintenance and operation. It is the leading competitor in its industry, and was purchased by Warren Buffet in 1995. The paper examines NetJets and the 4 Ps with concentration on price, and compares NetJets to the early days of Southwest Airlines. It concludes with the recommendation that NetJets offer capital budgeting analysis to potential customers as a marketing tool. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSnetJets.rtf

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