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Papers On Marketing & Consumer Behavior
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Marketing Cuba through Development of Water Sports
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A 12 page paper assessing the attractiveness of developing water sports in Cuba. The paper reviews Cuba’s political and economic history over the past several years and includes SWOT and PESTLE analyses to conclude that Cuba may be attractive in the future but is not at the present time. Developers willing and able to wait the lengthy time that negotiations are likely to require should proceed with overtures to the Cuban government. Plans to further develop the diving industry could be attractive, but plans to develop associated, non-motorized water sports could be even more attractive to the Cuban government. Those already involved in Cuban diving are likely to have their own ideas and plans for development; others seeking to enter Cuba’s tourism industry would be wise to focus on sailing or kayaking. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: KSmktgCubaWaterSpts.rtf

Marketing Dell Computers in Northern Africa
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A 5 page paper discussing how and why Dell Computer should want to market its computer products in Morocco. The PC industry is in decline and all the leading competitors have been looking at adding other products, but not all the world's nations yet have enough computers. Morocco still has areas that have no electricity or telecommunications, but its cities are modern and the younger people have great interest in technology. Morocco offers a politically stable environment and an openness to business lacking in many other African nations, making it an attractive location. Bibliography lists 23 sources.
Filename: KSmktgDellAfrica.wps

Marketing Dog Food; A Integrated Communication
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Strategy This 10 page paper considers how to build an integrated communication strategy for a brand. The writer does this by looking at Pedigree’s Cesar brand of dog food in conjunction with the five communication effects and the 4 P’s. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEdogfd2.rtf

Marketing Environment – Pharmaceutical Industry
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A 5 page paper. When developing marketing plans, companies must consider the marketing environment. There are six categories in the environment. These are identified and two are selected as focal points for this essay. Specifically, Social and cultural forces/consumer behavior and Competition are explained and discussed as they impact the pharmaceutical industry. The industry is described as one that is fiercely competitive. How these forces are related to this industry is explained. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGmkten.rtf

Marketing Ever Ready Batteries
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A 21 page paper discussing factors that can enable Ever Ready to regain its leading market share. Ever Ready was the leading battery brand in the UK in the years before high-drain appliances and gadgets proliferated. Now that batteries are required for more than flashlights and portable radios, the company has lost market share as well as market position to another competitor. The purpose here is to examine strategy, competitive advantage and current conditions in order to arrive at a long term marketing strategy. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Filename: KSmktgBatteries.wps

Marketing Farmers Insurance
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A 5 page paper discussing Farmers’ segmentation of its auto insurance line. The company offers several types of insurance but focuses on those auto insurance customers who pay their premiums yet rarely if ever file a claim. The company can practice narrow and highly targeted segmentation in its auto insurance business while approaching its other businesses in more traditional ways, building for a time in the future that it can then microsegment another line of insurance products. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSmktgFarmIns.rtf

Marketing Fast Moving Consumer Goods
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A 6 page paper discussing a cereal producer's need to conduct market research to determine consumers' current feelings about the producer's products. The information provided by the company's active consumers can inform the use of promotions and their effectiveness in influencing consumers to buy Shannon Foods' cereal brand. The company needs to ask the consumer rather than relying on assumptions about consumers that may or may not be valid. Consumer answers to questions such as those above can provide the basis for other assumptions grounded in consumers' current views. Includes a questionnaire. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: KSmktgFMCG.rtf

Marketing for an Individual Church
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This 7 page report discusses developing a marketing plan for a particular church and the fact that such an effort requires many of the same awarenesses and insights as marketing other membership- and participation-based organizations such as fitness clubs, college programs, even support for charities and service organizations. The overall objective of “St. X’s” integrative marketing plan is to increase the church’s “professing membership.” This goal has been clearly stated and the means through which the church leaders plan to meet that goal have been outlined. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: BWchurch.rtf

Marketing for Small Business and “Uncle Bob”
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This 5 page report is written as a letter to an uncle who owns a small manufacturing enterprise that makes motors for domestic appliances. “Uncle Bob” has said that he thinks marketing concepts and theories are just “mumbo-jumbo.” This report highlights key marketing concepts that are particularly important for a small business such as Uncle Bob’s. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BWmumbo.wps

Marketing for the Internet Business
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This 5 page paper focuses on Monster.com as an example of an e-business and looks at a variety of marketing schemes. ACNielsen, SRI and Cyber Dialogue are noted as companies that help businesses gain access to marketing information and techniques. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA242net.rtf

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