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Papers On Marketing & Consumer Behavior
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Leadership in Times of Technology (8 pp)
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What does it take to be a good leader? Are leaders in one field different than those in another, or do certain qualities shine through no matter what the arena? Has the quality of leadership changed with the advance of technology? These are some of the questions this discussion will pose and answer. The leadership techniques of Richard Dell and Steven Jobs will be examined, to see how they led the field in the areas of computer technology. Bibliography lists 6 sources
Filename: BBldrtch.doc

Literature Review of 25 Articles on Hotel Revenue Management Systems
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This is an 8 page literature review on hotel revenue management systems. A literature review on hotel revenue management systems covers not only the recently developed technological systems which handle different revenue management concerns such as forecasting, demand, competition and hospitality networks but also covers many traditional avenues used to increase revenue such as customer satisfaction, environmentally efficient programs, introduction of innovative and unique facilities and catering to specific target groups among other factors. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
Filename: TJhotmn1.rtf

Local and Global Marketing
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This 11 page paper considers the advantages and disadvantages of adopting either a local marketing strategy or a global marketing strategy. The writer examines this by looking at three examples of each type of marketing. Companies examined include Nike, O2, T Mobile, Gillette as well as Reebok, Heinz and Freeserve. The bibliography cites 14 sources.
Filename: TElocalm.rtf

Local Competition: Nike and Reebok
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A 6 page paper discussing marketing issues common to both these companies. The athletic shoe industry increasingly is referred to as one that is mature, which calls for approaches different from those of high-growth days. Nike and Reebok both have suffered from its decline, and both have had publicity difficulty with social and rights issues offshore. Each seeks to enhance its status in the eye of the consumer, but Nike still appears to be having more success than Reebok. Includes an abstract. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSmktgNikeRee.rtf

Logic vs. Emotion in Advertising Campaigns
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This 7 page paper explains that the impact that advertising has on the consumers of today is vast and overwhelming. Most advertising falls into one of two categories: it appeals either to our logic or to our emotions. But which of these is most effective? By examining two different types of products, with a sample of logic vs. emotional ads in each, a sample survey and results will be computed in order to determine which type advertising is most effective for the advertising dollars spent. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JGAadcam.wps

Lumberyard Internship Expectations:
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This 5 page paper examines the role of a lumberyard intern and determines what the likely responsibilities of that position would be. Furthermore, this paper explores the benefits of such an internship. Bibliography lists 0 sources.
Filename: GSLumber.rtf

Luxury Fashion Industry And Consumer Behavior
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A 50 page paper that provides a comprehensive report of the luxury fashion industry. There are several headings: Introduction, which offers comments about the luxury fashion industry in today's environment; the High/Luxury Fashion Industry, which discusses the competitive nature of the industry, the effects of 9/11 on companies, which house owns which other houses, the elements used in competition, changes in the operations, the impact of the consolidations on other aspects in the industry with examples; Self-concept and Ego Needs, which addresses the relationships between these characteristics and the purchase of luxury fashion products; Motivation as Related to Purchasing High Fashion products, which includes Maslow's hierarchy with examples of the types of businesses an individual would patronize at each level of need and also includes discussions of other motivations to purchase high fashion; Branding, Fashion Companies and Consumers; and Marketing & Media Impact on Fashion Industry and Consumers, a comprehensive discussion of the interrelationship between marketing communications. A focus is naturally on European designers but others are also mentioned in the text. Numerous specific examples are included. Far too many subtopics to mention in this abstract. 1 Graphic illustration is included. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
Filename: PGhifash.rtf

Macro Environmental Factors in Marketing; The Travel Industry
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This 7 page paper considers how elements of the macro-environment influence the way in which tour operators compete and achieve differentiation in the marketplace. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEtravfa.wps

Mail Order Catalog Analysis
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This 5 page report discusses the ways in which a situation may be approached and analyzed within a statistical framework. The example used is that of mail order catalogs. One key factor to be kept in mind is the fact that the fourth quarter of the year always has the highest number of catalogs distributed by retailers determined to grab their share of holiday revenues. The focus chosen by the student for this paper was tracking the influx of mail order catalogs in the typical American home over a period of two weeks. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWcatlog.wps

Major vs. Independent Record Labels
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A 9 page paper weighing whether to sign with a major record label or an independent one. When opportunities to record with any label – as opposed to self-recording and self-promoting recordings – arise, artists must decide which path can benefit them most. Reaching this decision requires attention to several factors, not the least of which is the artist’s ultimate goal. Is it to be widely known as a result of having several hits that gain significant radio airplay and sell many copies of recordings? If so, then the major label likely will be better suited to the artist. If the artist’s ultimate goal is merely to further the type of music to which s/he is dedicated and can do so without preconceived ideas of the financial rewards that may result, then the independent label may be the best choice. Further, there are control issues to consider as well. Includes a letter of transmittal and an executive summary. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSmktgMusicRecL.rtf

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