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Papers On Marketing & Consumer Behavior
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Haagen-Dazs Marketing Analysis
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An 8 page paper. While most ice cream companies market their product to children, Haagen-Dazs has always targeted the adult market. As one writer said: "Haagen-Dazs transformed a stagnant and declining market dominated by established brands with little or no interest in innovation by extending the appeal of a product that was once just a children's treat to become an adult indulgence." This essay provides a short background discussion of the company, including the recent sale to Nestle. The essay includes discussions about Haagen-Dazs use of the 4Ps, market segmentation, competitive advantage and innovative marketing techniques. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PGhaadaz.rtf

Harley Davidson Motorcycles: The “Bad Boy” Image Verses Fact
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A 9 page history of the emergence of Harley Davidson motorcycles and the culture which they have spawned in the U.S. Contends that despite the “bad boy” image these motorcycles are associated with the contemporary Harley owner is more often a businessman, doctor, or lawyer than they are a “gang” member. Provides statistics to back this contention up. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPharley.wps

Harley-Davidson: Strategic Management
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7 pages. This paper describes the management strategy of the Harley-Davidson Company including the analysis of strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. The company objectives and strategies and an evaluation of them are also discussed. Looks at long-term objectives and demographics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: JAharley.rtf

Harvard Case Study: Lenor Refill Package
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A 12 page paper discussing a Harvard Case supplied by the student. Proctor & Gamble have a fabric softener called Lenor in Europe (it is the equivalent of Downy in the U.S.). Sales have declined due to consumers' concerns for the environment, including land fill waste. The writer discusses the issues being faced by P & G and the options to increase sales again. There are three alternatives given in terms of the product and then two alternatives in terms of packaging. These are discussed along with specific questions regarding the case. 1 illustration included. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PGlenor.rtf

Home Depot's Location Considerations in Toronto
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A 6 page paper discussing characteristics that Home Depot should consider in choosing a site for an additional store in Toronto. The paper discusses local demographics, the effect that a new store could have on existing-store sales and methods of quantitatively determining the effect of a new store. Includes 4 census maps of Toronto illustrating income, education and employment levels as well as ethnicity. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KShomeDepot.wps

Hong Kong In Crisis
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A 5 page paper. This paper discusses marketing as a process and how it extends beyond companies to nations. In this case, Hong Kong. For the first time, Hong Kong is facing competition it has never known before from mainland China and a number of cities. The territory is losing ground. This paper discusses how Hong Kong is in crisis at this time and the fact that it must market itself. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PGhongk.wps

Hospitality’s Influence in Driving Consumer Changes
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An 11 page paper addressing two questions: How important is marketing in the international hospitality industry in terms of creating trends? Have international hospitality organizations responded to or created global trends? Marketers obviously would like to believe that they have been able to affect the travel decisions of both the global consumer and the euro consumer, but the effects of recession and terrorism work to dilute their claims. This paper traces the course of broad economic development during the prosperous decade of the 1990s; its influence in increasing international travel; and the responsibility of the effects of recession and terrorism in placing intense financial pressure on the international hospitality industry. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KShotelGloEuro.rtf

Hotels and Information Management
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This 10 page report discusses information management as applied to the hotel industry and discusses one particular (fictional) hotel and its strategies. As with every other industry, the hotel industry has been radically changed by information technology and its application in terms of guest services ranging from making reservations to ordering room service. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: BWhotrep.rtf

How Consumer Product Companies Work With Sports Brands In Cross-Promotional Advertising
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24 pages in length. Maintaining one's competitive edge while immersed within the local and global marketplace not only takes substance and endurance but also an inherent ability to see beyond tomorrow. Establishing a company's firm grip upon the many variables that are associated with competitiveness is a challenge that most consumer product companies have encountered with a mixture of eagerness, anxiety and anticipation. It is not always an easy venture to maintain one's established position given the consideration of respective infrastructure and labor costs, cultural barriers, as well as monetary fluctuations. The desire to break free of the constraints associated with standard advertising techniques has become all-important to the future of advertising as a whole, which has become quite apparent with the presence of consumer product companies working with sports brands in cross-promotional advertising. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: TLCBrdAd.rtf

How Technology has Improved the UPS System
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5 pages. The United Parcel Service has seen a dramatic increase in business with the advent of internet technology. This paper describes why and how technology has launched UPS into one of its biggest growth periods in the history of the company. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: JAupseva.rtf

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