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Papers On Marketing & Consumer Behavior
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Impulse Buying / Research Analysis
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An 11 page paper describing a proposed research project on consumers' views of point of purchase advertising. Marketing and advertising budgets have spiralled to the point that there are advertising messages literally at every turn, and marketers have discovered that the most effective target group is that which is already present in the store. Consumer advocates and budget analysts for years have admonished consumers to avoid impulse shopping at all costs, to always go into a grocery store with a list and resist all temptation to deviate from it. In today's society, however, people are busier than ever before, and there have been indications that point of purchase advertising may actually be looked on more favorably by the consumer than other methods that have become so intrusive. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Mkt-pop.doc

In Favor of Wal-Mart
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A 5 page paper written as an editorial arguing in favor of granting Wal-Mart the variance it needs to build a store in a small town. The author of the editorial complains that life has changed over the past generation but that most small-town shop owners have not. They are open only when working people are working, and they carry items owners prefer rather than those most useful to their customers. It gives an example of a successful New Jersey pet store located between a Wal-Mart and a PetSmart. The pet store’s success arises from the fun atmosphere of the store and the fact that it meets customers’ needs. Pressure from Wal-Mart can provide the immediate need for positive change. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSwalmComp.rtf

Incorporating E-Marketing In The Marketing Plan
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An 8 page paper. E-commerce continues to grow at exponential rates. In today's marketplace it is essential for companies to incorporate e-marketing in their overall marketing plan. This essay explains that e-marketing still requires the company to consider segmentation and positioning. The differences are also discussed. Three types of Web positioning are explained. Characteristics of Web shoppers are reported. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGemkt.rtf

Independent Garden Center Marketing
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8 pages in length. A retailer says, 'if the chains are steamships plowing through the ocean, then we have to be the cigarette boats zipping around and through them and changing direction on a dime. That must be our advantage when going up against the tremendous cash and resources of the biggies.' Landscape plants are available at nearly every home-oriented center or grocery store, but knowledge of them is not. The independent garden center certainly faces challenges when a giant discounter shares their market, but the independent has advantages that the corporate giant does not. This paper presents a few of those advantages. Bibliography lists 11 sources. Gdn-Ctr.rtf
Filename: Gdn-Ctr.rtf

Industry Comparison: Click To Brick
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7 pages in length. The advent of click versus brick retailers has brought about a significant change in the way in which products ultimately reach consumers. With Internet presence all but mandatory in today's e-commerce focused global society, those who do not follow the trend of online marketing are overlooking a staggering percentage of potential customers who can live half a world away. The advantageous implications of e-commerce have been made more than clear over the past several years as the rate of online purchases continues to increase while brick-and-mortar sales steadily decline. Credit/blame the significant convenience factor, limitless inventory or overwhelming benefit of a crowded marketplace upon consumers' ability to save substantial amounts of money, e-commerce is a twenty-first century phenomenon that has the potential to alter then entire commerce landscape man has come to know. The writer discusses how the automotive industry is just one of many to jump on the e-commerce bandwagon. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCclick.rtf

Industry for Customer Service Orientation
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A Comparison of Disney and the Healthcare This 7 page paper provides an overview of customer service in the health care industry and how Disney approaches customer service. What the health industry can learn from Disney is the focus of the paper. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: SA246D.rtf

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This paper examines how advertising impacts consumer decisions. Also included are various examples of advertising and its methods. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: MTadvcon.rtf

Influences on the Tourism Industry
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This 5 page paper considers the different influences that have caused the development of the tourism industry. Factors considered include the economy, technology, transportation and fashion. The writer focuses on the UK, but the influences can be applied equally to other countries or destinations. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEtorism.wps

Information & Communication Technology/Product Development
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A 9 page research paper that examines the role that information and communication technologies play in product development. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: khprodev.wps

Instant Coffee Market
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A 6 page research paper that explores the instant coffee market environment in the US and Brazil. The writer explains how these two markets are intimately connected due to the fact that Brazil supplies a good portion of the coffee for American instant coffee brands. The declining instant coffee market is also discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: khcofmar.wps

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