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Papers On Marketing & Consumer Behavior
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ConAgra Strategy Changes
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A 3 page paper discussing the shift away from a highly decentralized structure holding more than 90 independent companies to one large company with three very large divisions. The owner of many of today’s leading food brands, ConAgra itself is not particularly well known among consumers. The paper recommends that ConAgra continue its streamlining efforts to make it easier for grocery chains to deal with it, enlisting them to assist in promoting ConAgra brands such as Healthy Choice and Butterball turkeys. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSconAgStrat.rtf
Confronting The Limits Of A Mature Product Market
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A 7 page paper. There are four stages in the product life cycle. Product maturity comes just before declining sales, the last stage. What does a company do when they face a mature product market? This essay provides numerous strategies the company can implement to overcome the limits found in this stage. Examples are included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGmatmkt.wp
Considerations for International Advertising
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An 11 page paper discussing the cultural
differences that must be considered when attempting to design an international advertising
campaign, ranging from the obvious such as language to more subtle attitudes toward
characteristics of specific colors or overt materialism. The media used for the message is
important as well. An example used in the paper is the reduced effectiveness of newspaper
advertising in a developing nation where extremely low per-capita incomes and literacy
rates combine to make a newspaper a luxury item useful only to relatively few citizens.
Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSintlAdv.rtf
Considerations in Marketing Dr. Finch
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A 5 page paper discussing some of the limitations that the professions face in marketing their services and suggesting ways to overcome those limitations. The American Dental Association prevents dentists from claiming any type of superiority over other dentists; some states maintain the same requirement as state law. Marketing services carries its own challenges. Dr. Finch is a high-end Canadian dentist. The paper suggests that she conduct community education programs that also will serve to promote her name and her practice in the local community. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSmktgDrFinch.rtf
Consumer and Commercial Marketing
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This 11 page paper considers the different ways in which commercial, business to business, marketing looks to communicate their message through marketing in comparison with a consumer marketing campaign. The paper has a brief introduction and then examines two companies and their marketing focus and strategy to demonstrate the similarities and the differences. The companies chosen for this are IBM and Nokia. The bibliography cites sources.
Filename: TEIBMnok.wps
Consumer Attitude and Marketing
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This 7 page report discusses
the fact that consumer behavior is a combination of a brad
variety of factors, each of which contributes to overall
decision-making and the ultimate success of any marketing
proposition. The entire concept of “integrated” marketing is one
that asserts that the key concepts to be acted upon in the 21st
century are those concepts that most appeal to the consumer
rather than the producer. The ways in which the world has
shifted had created an attitude, economy, even an ideology that
says the customer will demand (and get) what he or she wants or,
they will take their business elsewhere.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWatform.wps
Consumer Attitudes and Behaviours and the Development and Marketing of New Products and Services
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This 6 page paper considers how consumer attitudes, values beliefs and behaviour impact on the development, marketing and sale of goods or services. The paper considers how buying decisions are made and what may influence them. Many examples are given to show how markets have changed as a result of changes in consumers. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEattitd.rtf
Consumer Behavior
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This 11 page paper discusses some of the facets of advertising and consumer behavior. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: HVConsum.rtf
Consumer Behavior / Article Review
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A 5 page review of an article on consumer behavior that shows how the author achieved her purpose. The writer focuses on the elements of fact and presentation. Bibliography lists a single source.
Filename: Cnconsum.wps
Consumer Behavior / Women
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A 5 page proposal for a study on the buying habits and attitudes of women. The proposal includes an overview, three hypotheses, a brief review of the literature, conclusion and implications of the study. Research findings are contrary to popular beliefs about women when it comes to purchasing clothes. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Conswomn.wps
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