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Papers On Marketing & Consumer Behavior
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Female Sexual Images in The Media and Advertising
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This 5 page paper considers how images of woman are sexualised in the mainstream media. The paper considers three women magazines and the use of female images in advertisements and marketing. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEfemsex.rtf

Film Review & Critical Analysis of "Raging Bull"
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A 2 page paper which reviews and provides critical analysis of Martin Scorsese's 1980 film, "Raging Bull." Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: TGragbul.wps

Five-Year Marketing Plan: Home Depot Inc.
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This 16 page paper presents a marketing plan for the named company. Home Depot Inc. is the largest home improvement chain in the world and the second largest retailer (after Wal-Mart) in the United States. The company has historically offered a vast array of home and garden improvement products at the lowest cost possible with the best customer service. In recent years, its customer service has declined dramatically. This paper presents a market analysis that includes a company profile, industry analysis, analysis of the competition, a SWOT analysis of the company, mission, financial and nonfinancial goals, target markets, customer analysis, expanded services, marketing mix (4Ps), selected financial data, and a marketing plan with five-year financial projections and the five-year implementation plan. 3 Tables are included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: PGhmdpo.rtf

Food Product Development
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A 5 page paper discussing whether product development in food companies needs to be different than in other industries. Studies indicate that most product development should be targeted toward the development of totally new products, but changes in consumer lifestyle also need to be considered. This suggests that product development needs to be an ongoing affair, at least from the standpoint of staying in touch with those ultimately purchasing the product. Food companies do indeed need to take approaches that differ from those of other industries, and they must ensure that they offer products relevant not only to consumer tastes, but also to the way consumers' lives continue to change. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSfoodPrDev.wps

Future of the International Battery Market
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A 7 page paper discussing the prospects of the international battery market in terms of environmental concerns, growth for the future, dependence on the electronics industry and ability to operate profitably. The paper addresses the issues of cheap imports and their lower overall value as well as the changes in stock valuation of leading companies following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The overall market is expected to grow by 9% until 2005, however, and then follow that growth by 10% into 2010. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSmktgBatt2.rtf

Future Trends in Marketing
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5 pages. This paper is a focus on the future trends of marketing. Based on research, there are several trends that forecasters predict for the future of marketing in general. Each of these trends will be listed and briefly explained within this paper. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: JGAfumar.wps

GAP Inc Analysis And Marketing Plan
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A 20 page paper that presents an analysis of Gap Inc. Subheadings include a brief overview of the history of the company, including a timeline of major events, and its present status and discussion of recent problems, a description of the three brands; selected fiscal data; discussion of the industry and competitors; customer analysis; competitor analysis; company analysis; GE matrix analysis, SWOT analysis; and a marketing plan that includes all the typical components of price, suppliers, promotion, positioning, pricing, distribution and more. 1 illustration included. Data included. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: PGgapanl.rtf

Glad Bags And Other Products
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A 5 page paper. Glad bags and other storage supplies was owned by First Brands, a company the Clorox Company acquired in 1999. Since its acquisition, Clorox has been on a downward slide. Things are beginning to look up, however. This paper discuses the marketing techniques that Clorox has used for Glad products and their level of success. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGgladbg.rtf

Global Marketing for Small and Medium Sized Businesses
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This 7 page paper looks at global marketing and the pitfalls for SMEs. Various problems are highlighted. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: SA320SME.rtf

Globalization and Bicycles
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A 16 page paper using the example of Giant Manufacturing Company to illustrate some of the considerations that need to be made before entering a new market. International marketers must be sensitive to the local markets that they wish to enter. There have been faux pas in varying degrees over the years, and most marketers have come to understand that they must understand idiomatic language as well as they think they do. Some, however, continue to miss the point when entering a new international market. They may miss a critical cultural value, or they may fail to properly read the market segments they wish to target. The international marketing issue here is that, while international marketing has become more precise over the years, there still is ample opportunity for misstep. What international marketers can learn from the information presented here is that there are myriad considerations to weigh in making the decision to enter a new market. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSintlBikes.rtf

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