Papers On Management And Business
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Improving Teams' Communications Skills
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A 6 page paper addressing the situation of
deteriorating team functioning. The effectiveness of some of the organization's teams has
been diminished by means of increasing occurrence of conflict, rumor and backbiting. The
paper reviews the observations of several communications writers and consultants, and
recommends exercises at the team level designed to improve communications and assist
individuals in maintaining a perspective that focuses on the company, rather than on the
individual. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSbusComm.wps
In Favor of Wal-Mart
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A 5 page paper written as an editorial arguing in favor of granting Wal-Mart the variance it needs to build a store in a small town. The author of the editorial complains that life has changed over the past generation but that most small-town shop owners have not. They are open only when working people are working, and they carry items owners prefer rather than those most useful to their customers. It gives an example of a successful New Jersey pet store located between a Wal-Mart and a PetSmart. The pet store’s success arises from the fun atmosphere of the store and the fact that it meets customers’ needs. Pressure from Wal-Mart can provide the immediate need for positive change. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSwalmComp.rtf
Incorporating E-Marketing In The Marketing Plan
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An 8 page paper. E-commerce continues to grow at exponential rates. In today's marketplace it is essential for companies to incorporate e-marketing in their overall marketing plan. This essay explains that e-marketing still requires the company to consider segmentation and positioning. The differences are also discussed. Three types of Web positioning are explained. Characteristics of Web shoppers are reported. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGemkt.rtf
Industrial Research; A Case Study
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This 16 page paper considers the New Zealand organization that is a subsidiary of the Crown Research Institute in an holistic way. The paper looks at the expectations of the stakeholders and the position of the business in a competitive environment as well as its financial position. The final part of the paper then considers the weaknesses and recommends actions that may be undertaken to protect and enhances the organizations position. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEindres.wps
Influences on a Business
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This well written 20 page paper consider the macro and micro environmental influences that may be felt by a business. To demonstrate this the example of the retail sector is used, but the models may be equally applied to other industries. To demonstrate this and discuss the influences the paper uses the analytical models of Porter's Five Forces, a PEST analysis and a SWOT analysis. In this way a variety of internal and external influences are discussed. The paper uses plenty of examples to illustrate the points raised and give real examples of their application. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEanalys.wps
Influences on the Competitive Environment in the United Kingdom
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This 8 page paper considers aspect of the economic environment which can impact on the competitive nature of businesses. Productivity, wages and exchange rates are examined for their possible effect. To illustrate this the example of the United Kingdom is used. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEcometi.wps
Information Management
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5 pages in length. Information
management within an organization is dealt with in many ways.
Most commonly we see data management such as that utilized
through computer systems, e-mail and the internet. In addition
to this type information management however, this paper will
consider other topics such as how an organization uses shared
knowledge, open-book management, and how to manage the deluge of
information within the organizational structure. It is also
important to deal openly and honestly with the employees, while
aligning all systems of information and business infrastructures.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: JGAinfom.wps
Information Systems Applied to a Hotel
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A 15 page paper discussing several points of consideration first in determining whether a hotel should convert manual systems to an automated one, then evaluating items such as the relative worth of maintenance contracts, data security and the ability of the automated system to increase efficiency and customer service. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSitHotel.rtf
Information Technology and its Effect on the Chemical Industry
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A 21 page paper assessing the value of chemical companies’ IT functions. The Bhopal disaster still would have occurred had the Internet existed in today’s commercial form at the time of the accident in 1985, but one can only speculate that the former Union Carbide would have been able to manage it better and perhaps save some of the lives that were lost. Internal and external pressures, the tightening economy and the continued trend to globalization all have brought about business changes that are systemic and likely permanent, and the chemical industry’s expansion of its IT capabilities focuses extensively on security and managing risk. IT plays a significant role in serving and monitoring the triple bottom line business model that Dow uses and likely will be instrumental in influencing other chemical industry organizations to adopt as well. The paper also discusses the growing importance of IT in managing organizations’ supply chains and monitoring their environmental effects. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: KSitChemInd.rtf
Information Technology in Contemporary Business
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This 10 page paper looks at the use of both the Internet and the Intranet in modern commerce. The way in which technology can be used as a tool by businesses is discussed and the case study of Shell Oil is used to demonstrate the productive use of improved communications. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEinftek.wps
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