Papers On Management And Business
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Internal Customer Service at AlliedSignal
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A 10 page paper discussing
AlliedSignal's implementation of shared business services for increased internal customer
service. It appears that AlliedSignal has been highly successful in implementing and
building its shared services function. Though increased service to internal customers was
an original focus of the effort and an impetus behind it, descriptions of the progression of
programs center far more on logistics and benefits to the company instead of increased
customer service. It appears that AlliedSignal could achieve a leap to POS ("positively
outrageous service") that would, in turn, extend to the company's external customers in
the same way that Southwest Airlines has been able to channel POS through its internal
customers to reach its external ones as well. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSalliedSignal.wps
International Business Plan Proposal - Japan
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An 8 page paper. The scenario is that a fictitious cell phone manufacturer is entering a 50-50 joint venture with a small Japanese company in Japan. The writer discusses cultural differences in terms of management and work, the political, economic and cultural environments and why this is a good plan. The plan calls for the adoption of some Japanese practices and some of American practices in the operation of the company. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGjpcel.wps
International Intellectual Property
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A 5 page paper discussing the difficulty of defining and using intellectual property in the international arena. The issue is one that continues to present difficulty. Governing laws of one country may not be observed in another; cultural differences may dictate totally different working definitions of what constitutes intellectual property. One approach to resolving these differences is to attempt to place monetary value on intellectual property. This effort provides problems in its own right, but it can help to establish that intellectual property is indeed a real and tangible asset. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSintelPropIntl.rtf
International Standards for Occupational Safety and Health
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A 10
page paper discussing the International Labour Organization's conventions 155 and 164 of
1981 and their applicability to the laws of Western Australia. The paper discusses the broad
perspective of the conventions with particular attention to Articles 16 and 19 of convention
155. The first addresses the responsibility of employers to provide safe workplaces; the
second reiterates that message but also requires employees to act in ways consistent with
their employers' safety instruction and provision. The paper discusses the case of CSR
Limited in Western Australia. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: KS-ILOwAus.wps
Internet Travel Companies and Their Strategies
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This 5 page paper looks at three internet travel companies;, and, analysing and comparing their strategies as well as considering how they differ from those of the traditional travel agents. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEtravin.wps
Investing in Continental Airlines
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A 4 page paper convincing investors in Continental that their funds are well placed. The speaker at an investor meeting is charged with using ratios to convince investors that the airline can weather the pressures of greatly increased fuel prices; it provides a good return on assets; and has a good rate of return based on sales. Includes one chart and one table. Bibliography lists 3 source.
Filename: KSContAir.doc
Investing in Martha Stewart Living
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A 9 page paper discussing financial
structure and price performance at Martha Stewart Living. The paper examines a variety of
points such as financial structure, working capital management, stock price, stock valuation,
cost of capital and dividend policy, among others. The company had its IPO in October
1999 and experienced double-digit growth in each of the next five quarters. Forecasts call
for that growth to continue for at least another two years. Several charts and tables.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSMarthStew.wps
Ireland as an Expansion Site
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A 7 page paper discussing factors that should be examined when assessing a nation’s suitability as an international expansion site. Ireland has immensely favorable policies designed to encourage business investment there, and it has a well educated and motivated workforce. Long a center of education respected throughout the world, Ireland possesses many qualities that make it attractive as a business expansion site for the multinational organization. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSirelandBus.rtf
Is 'Mickey Dee's' A Good Investment ?
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A 7 page paper discussing whether or not McDonald's is a good investment. The corporation's financial information, profit improvement, and corporate structure are discussed. Bibliography lists ten sources.
Filename: McD.doc
Is Communication a Necessary Skill for Leaders?
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This 6 page paper looks at the importance of communication to organisational leaders. The paper agues that although communications skills may be desirable, they are only one of a multitude of favourable personality or skill factors, and that many leaders are able to avoid the need for communication skills use. The paper sites examples of leaders to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEcomlea.wp
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