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Papers On Management And Business
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Financial Planning & The Dial Corporation
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This 7 page paper analyzes financial moves made by the Dial Corporation in an overview on corporate budgeting in general. New ways of creating budgets is also addressed and Texas Instruments' unique style of streamlining the process is provided. Recommendations concerning the Dial's use of the budget in the future is included as well as a chart which highlights cash flow figures for the company's 1996 second quarter. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Dial.wps

Finger-Pointing at Ford and Firestone
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An 11 page paper examining the early facts of the disastrous combination of the Ford Explorer and several Firestone tires. Neither company was forthcoming with news of the growing numbers of rollover accidents involving Explorers equipped with Firestone tires, problems that appeared in Saudi Arabia and Venezuela before becoming more common four hot-weather US states. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) only became involved after a 1998 lawsuit and at the time was unaware of the overseas problems. The paper discusses which company has been more responsive within the utilitarian model of the greater good and determines that it has been Ford, at least in the early stages. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KSFordFire2.wps

Five-Year Marketing Plan: Home Depot Inc.
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This 16 page paper presents a marketing plan for the named company. Home Depot Inc. is the largest home improvement chain in the world and the second largest retailer (after Wal-Mart) in the United States. The company has historically offered a vast array of home and garden improvement products at the lowest cost possible with the best customer service. In recent years, its customer service has declined dramatically. This paper presents a market analysis that includes a company profile, industry analysis, analysis of the competition, a SWOT analysis of the company, mission, financial and nonfinancial goals, target markets, customer analysis, expanded services, marketing mix (4Ps), selected financial data, and a marketing plan with five-year financial projections and the five-year implementation plan. 3 Tables are included. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: PGhmdpo.rtf

Ford and Firestone Tires
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A 6 page paper discussing the issue of Firestone tires and their ability to make Ford Explorers roll over following a blowout. In 4 hot-weather US states and in 4 other hot-weather nations, Ford Explorers have been rolling in ways designers never intended. Firestone has recalled 6.5 million tires and Ford is authorizing replacement of any tires consumers want replaced, but none of these measures will satisfy the families of those who have lost their lives. The two companies have been partners for more than a century, but each has been reduced to pointing fingers at the other. IT systems likely will provide the truth, in that specific tires can be tied to specific vehicles and Ford has required suppliers to maintain such information for nearly two decades. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSFordFire.wps

Ford and Its Management Practices
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This 11 page paper is truly postfordist in its concentration. While some older management practices of Ford in the early years are noted, the focus is on the present and future of the Ford Corporation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA043Frd.wps

Ford Motor Company
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An 8 page paper. The first part of this paper offers a general overview of Ford Motor Company, including its global position and revenues, profits and number of vehicles sold in 2000. The rest of the paper focuses on employee issues and most specifically, on the sexual harassment and discrimination cases brought against the company. The settlement with EEOC is described as is subsequent charges against managers and the company. Recommendations are made regarding these issues. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PGfrdhar.rtf

Ford Motor Company as an MNE
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A 12 page paper discussing Ford's current standing as a multinational enterprise. The paper discusses the innovation in which Ford was born; its growth through the years; its 1980s commitment to quality; current environmental issues; and the departure of Jacque Nasser. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSfordMNE.rtf

Forecasting at Lincoln Community Hospital
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An 8 page paper critiquing a hospital management as described in Harvard case 9-191-149, Lincoln Community Hospital. The paper reviews the actions of the Executive Committee, concluding that it lacks the information it needs to establish a strategy for halting operating losses or to produce an accurate forecast for the future. The bottom line is that Lincoln Hospital has not been managed effectively for several years, if indeed it ever was. As a nonprofit, independent hospital in the mid-1980s, it is facing intense changes in the healthcare industry in the future. It needs to begin looking at the signs of change and begin to meet those changes with a plan as to how to deal with them. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSforeLincoln.rtf

Forms of Thought as they Relate to Managerial Responsibilities
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A 5 page paper which discusses various forms of thinking, and forces of influence, which affect problem recognition/identification and decision framing as it pertains to managerial responsibilities. Some forms of thought discussed are logical, scientific, persuasive, and creative. Some forces discussed are gender, culture, and religion. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAthghtmng.rtf

Formulating Strategy at Aramark
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A 15 page paper focused on formulating strategy for a segment of this company's diverse business. Overall, ARAMARK's corporate strategy is well-defined, but the emerging growth in the need for cleanroom operations in growing numbers of disciplines is one the company needs to closely examine as a substantial contributor to growth in the future. The paper analyzes the company and industry in terms of Porter's Five Forces and VRIO analysis, and examines the area of Research Triangle Park, North Carolina as a possible expansion site for cleanroom and other uniform processing. RTP has a favorable work environment and is surrounded by three major research universities, teaching hospitals and a veterinary school. In addition, RTP has been called the "silicon valley of the East" and is home to much current research in biological semiconductor construction. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: KSAramark.wps

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