Papers On Management And Business
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How Employees Are Affected By Mergers And Acquisitions
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A 24 page paper. Mergers and acquisitions have reached unprecedented numbers. For instance, in 1998 there were 23,000 mergers worldwide. Experts consistently assert that mergers are the most stressful events that can happen to a company. Employees begin worrying about their jobs. This paper explores how employees are affected and what management can do to mitigate employee concerns. Research regarding the issue is reported. Two examples are provided - the Boeing-McDonnell Douglas merger wherein the CEOs made it clear they did not intend to lay off employees and the Enron – Dynegy situation where the merger did not take place and 20 percent of Enron's employees lost their jobs. Bibliography lists 24 sources.
Filename: PGmrgemp.rtf
How Managers Use Information Technology
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A 5 page paper. Managers make dozens of decisions every day. Many of these decisions are made using the information technology that is available to them. The writer first discusses the different roles of the manager, how these roles all require information and how managers use IT to help them in their job functions. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PGmgit2.rtf
How NAFTA Can be Expected to Affect the US Trucking Industry
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A 5 page paper discussing the ongoing dispute over allowing Mexican trucks to deliver goods produced in Mexico but shipped to the US for sales and marketing. The US trucking industry is one that has many constraints placed on it. It is relatively stable as long as it remains in equilibrium, for all competitors must operated under the same rules. Allowing Mexican trucks to freely roam the highways of the US can have the effect of upsetting the entire industry. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KStruckNAFTA.rtf
How the Laws Regulating Companies can Influence and Enhance A Corporation’s Strategy
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This 5 page paper looks at UK law and considers how it may be used to help and enhance corporate strategy. The writer uses the Copyright, Designs and Patents Bill 1988, the Case of Dyson and Hoover and the role of directors to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TElawstg.rtf
Hudepohl Brewing Company
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A 20 page paper discussing evaluating facts as presented in the Harvard Business Case Study of the same name. The privately-held, family-run, 100-year-old company had gone into gradual and unnoticed decline, and business results were so poor that the company posted some of the lowest profitability figures in the industry. Customer loyalty in the company's Cincinnati home is unusually high and apparently unshakable; the paper recommends that the company expand beyond its Cincinnati market and establish itself as a higher-priced offering of a microbrewery in areas outside of Ohio while maintaining its low-priced Cincinnati base. Production is highly inefficient, and the company's policy of paying all workers the same rate prevents it from benefitting from long-term employees' experience and knowledge. The paper also recommends that management charge the employees with producing proposals to enhance efficiency and their level of involvement in both their jobs and in the company. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: Hudepohl.wps
Human Resource Management
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This 7 page paper addresses several specific issues related to HRM. These include: why are line managers becoming more involved in HR policy development and implementation; implications of an aging workforce, a diverse workforce and skill deficiencies in the work force; how labor shortage is affecting HRM; internal versus external recruiting; example of HR practice that supported organization strategies and that were not consistent with organization strategies. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PGhr7is.rtf
Human Resource Management – 10 Issues
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This 14 page paper responds to 10 questions or issues: the diagnostic and strategic approaches to human resource management; Five greatest challenges for the human resource manager today; the roles and functions of the human resource manager; the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action & Managing Diversity; steps to selecting the right employee; performance management and evaluation; what questions should the human resource manager be ready to answer in a discrimination hearing; what is the relative importance of merit, ability and seniority when promoting an employee; and what is job analysis and what is its value. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: PGhrm10.rtf
Human Resource Management: Three Issues
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A 6 page paper that discusses three specific issues related to human resource management: the functions of HRM, the importance of the department, and the fact that people are the company's most important asset; the concept underlying getting paid work, which includes a short discussion on why there is a different wage/salary for different jobs; and labor law, including the laws that fall under the EEO. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGHRM8.rtf
Human Resources at PepsiCo
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This 15 page report discusses PepsiCo and its human resource practices and policies. The paper gives an overview of the company's current standing in terms of goals, objectives, strategies and policies, especially as applied to human resources. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: Hrpepsi.wps
Human Resources In High-Tech Companies
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A 10 page paper. The essay begins with introductory comments, then discusses several specific issues relative to information technology workers. These include: company culture, what it is with examples of the culture of specific companies, like Apple Computer; recruitment and selection, including a discussion of the importance of this area; performance appraisal, including a description of the 360 process; and rewards and incentives, with examples. The essay concludes with a general summary. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: PGhrmit.rtf
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