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Papers On Management Of Information Systems
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EDI / Costs & Efficiency
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A 5 page research paper on electronic data interchange (EDI), its discovery and evolution over three decades. The writer discusses EDI in terms of electronic trade documentation uses and processes, with focus on manufacturing and shipping. Implementation and ongoing costs are also discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Edicost.wps

The Technological & Scientific Implications of Digital Economy / 'Promise and Peril in the Age of Networked Intelligence,' by Don Tapscott
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A 5 page overview of the scientific and technological implications of the new 'digital economy' as revealed in the 1996 book by Don Tapscott. Concentrates on the advantages of computer networking. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Digital2.wps

Information Systems Technology and Management Decision-Making
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This 4 page paper provides an overview of the issue of the use of technology, with the case example of it's use for a PATH clinic that provides holistic services. For many organizations, the use of information systems technology in management decision-making is limited by the applicability for company operations. Management teams can only utilize information systems technology that corresponds with existing operational pieces, and decision-making is often limited by the software and hardware systems that are currently in use. This paper relates these to the specific case example. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: mhinfsys.rtf

Internet-Based, Intranet-Based And Extranet-Based Applications
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5 pages in length. The writer discusses the difference between the three applications, as well as offers examples of each. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCwww.wps

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This 6-page paper ties the relationship between information systems and communications technology. The essay touches on the challenge -- which is the lack of integration between IS and CT, then describes how certain industries are working to link the two for efficient business organization. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: MTinsyco.rtf

Computability, Language, & The World of Business
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This 14 page paper examines some of the key concepts of computers and their uses, machine languages, and applications for communication in the future. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Complang.rtf

Innovations and the Future of Communications in Business
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A 10 page paper discussing the relationship between technology and business communications in the present day business industry, as well as in the future. Technology has made great advances in the past decade and is expected to achieve even more, further altering the face of business communications. While traditional forms of communication will always have their place in the business industry, technological involvement is clearly a necessity for many businesses who wish to survive. Various aspects of technology, as they relate to communications involving the computer, software, and the Internet, are discussed, illustrating that technology plays a very large part in communications today and tomorrow. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: RAinnov.wps

One Month Of Activity At Gateway 2000
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A 10 page paper evaluating Gateway 2000's varied strategies and strategy implementation based on reports of the company's activity in a single month. That single month was October, 1998, in which Gateway reported results for the quarter ended in September. Shipments increased 43% for record numbers of PCs shipped while the company's organizational business also saw dramatic increases. Several new products have been introduced, four of which have been nominated for industry awards. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Gateway2.wps

Two Companies' Use of the Internet
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A 5 page paper discussing two companies that heavily participate in Internet commerce, Gateway 2000 and DLJ Direct. Overall, the promise of great success through Internet marketing has not been realized in most areas of sales, but personal computer sales and online brokerage services have been exceptions. Both are wonderfully suited to Internet commerce: Gateway's customers obviously are computer literate; DLJ Direct's customers have come to rely on the ease and rapidity of stock trading using an Internet service. Though the Internet has not reached its full potential as a sales tool, it is heading resolutely in that direction, and to the point that those companies not offering extensive online options to their existing customers may lose those customers to businesses that do. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TwoCos.wps

Information Technology Outsourcing
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A 15 page paper discussing information technology outsourcing, what it is, the trend toward it, and how it can help companies save money. Includes a hypothetical study of a fictitious auto manufacturer and why the company should choose to outsource. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Itout.wps

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