Papers On Management Of Information Systems
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Changing Stakeholder Perceptions
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A 4 page paper. It is important to remember that people act on their perceptions, not necessarily what the truth is, only on their own interpretation of the information and facts they access. Because of this basic psychological fact, it is essential to identify the different groups of stakeholders and then take steps that will lead to positive perceptions of the company. The writer discusses some of the different stakeholders and audiences and offers suggestions for developing a PR program. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PGskhl.rtf
Chapter Summaries/Managing Technology
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A 6 page research paper that offers 2 chapter summaries (chapters 7 and 8) from Jerry N. Luftman's Managing the Information Technology Resource (2004). Chapter 7 concerns emerging technologies and chapter 8 concerns organizational and information technologies theory. No additional sources cited.
Filename: khlufit.rtf
China and the US: Then and Now.
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(5 pp) Although exceedingly dramatic, the spy
plane incident with China last month is another
example of one of a long series of erratic
politics Chinese style. If this were a domestic
incident rather than an international one, we might
be tempted to label it just another in a "spin-
the-bottle" type of management, as it appears to us
in the West that China reacts to situations rather
than plans for them. In this discussion we will
look at some of the past history of political
relations between China and the United States up to
the plane "incident. "Bibliography lists
4 sources.
Filename: BBchnpln.doc
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This 3-page paper focuses on a new concept in manufacturing and supply chain management -- choiceboards. The article examines the choiceboards, determines what industry would lend itself to this concept, and compares choiceboards with more traditional retail outlets. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTchodec.rtf
Choosing and Integrating a Wi-Fi Network
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This paper looks at the decision to adopt Wi-Fi and the way it may be implemented. The paper is written using a range of secondary looking at the current technological abilities and the potential future developments. The paper shows the different choices and outlines the advantages and disadvantages of the different choices, paying particular attention to the 802.11 family and then consider how a wireless network can be implemented and integrated with existing an IT infrastructure in a company. The bibliography cites 10 sources
Filename: TEwifi01.rtf
CIO Magazine
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A 3 page paper that provides a description of CIO Magazine, including the types of editors on staff, types of topics covered, complementary services, etc. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGciomg.rtf
CIO – Improving Productivity
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A 5 page paper that discusses what the chief information officer can do to increase productivity. Wireless technology is discussed, including a recent survey of CIOs and other IT professionals that focused on wireless technology, what is being used and the results of using it. Another strategy that is discussed is retaining existing employees. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PGcio.rtf
Cloud 9: Fact Sheet for an Internet Dating Company
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A 5 page fact sheet for a fictional Internet-based company who specializes in online matchmaking. Discusses the setup of the company which allows users unlimited access with the entry of a credit card number. The company distinguishes itself in that the customer controls the type of information which is entered and the degree of access that other customers have to that information. Provides an extensive discussion of e-security as it has been addressed by this fictional company. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: PPdateCo.wps
COBOL -- COmmon Business Oriented Language -- and Chase
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This 13 page report discusses COmmon Business
Oriented Language or COBOL and whether or not a “project leader”
recommends that the institution should use COBOL as an ongoing
process of business. COBOL was one of the first high-level
programming languages, introduced in 1959 by the Conference on
Data Systems Languages and played an important role in automating
the business world with its proficiency at defining and
manipulating complex data structures. Does it still serve that
purpose in the 21st century? Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: BWcobol.wps
Collecting Data in Developed and Developing Nations
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This 24 page paper examines the differences and similarities when collecting data for marketing purposes in developed and developing countries. This is examined from the perspective of various influences including culture, ethics, marketing, political, legal, economic, structural, informational and technological and sociocultural factors. The bibliography cites 23 sources.
Filename: TEdatadevc.rtf
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