Papers On Management Of Information Systems
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Computers At Work / Effects On Society
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This 5 page paper addresses the introduction of the computer into the business world and explores its positive and negative effects on society. Included are examples of industries, such as accounting, engineering and architecture that have been profoundly influenced. Other points addressed include downsizing, loss of privacy and the older population in the work force. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: Compwork.wps
Computer Security
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This 10 page research paper presents an overview of computer security and how easy it is to breach the security. Statistics depicting the incidence, type, and fiscal losses during the 1998 year are reported. Techniques to secure computers against hackers are discussed. Finally, recommendations are made to improve computer security. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Compsecu.wps
Managing Computer Networks / The Issue of Security
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A 30 page research study that reflects upon the issue of security in the management of computer networks. This paper outlines the major issues related to this subject, and then considers the application of this information within a corporate setting. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: Mananet.wps
Pretty Good Privacy
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7 pages in length. The writer discusses the Pretty Good Privacy, an innovative encryption program for computers, which allows email messages to be sent without fear of invasion of privacy. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Prettyp.wps
Privacy Law In The Workplace / Employee Rights And The Use Of Technology
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This 20 page paper is covering the insurgence of computers in the workplace and the development of high technology monitoring devices and surveillance systems have changed the work environment in corporate America. In attempts to evaluate worker performance, reduce loss due to employee theft and the transfer of confidential or important company information and determine how corporate information systems equipment is being utilized, companies have begun to implement complex surveillance systems and pursued access to information stored on computer systems and information sent via e-mail. This 20 page paper considers the legal ramifications of these modifications, which often determine breeches in employee rights to privacy and also evaluates possible protocols for allowing for access to important information without violating employee rights. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Privtech.wps
Understanding Computer Criminals & IS Security / Towards Appropriate Security Measures and Effective Corporate IS Management
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A 75 page paper that provides a complex overview of the nature of computer crime and computer criminals and considers the impact of this knowledge for training in IS security. Bibliography lists 55 sources.
Filename: Issecu.wps
New Technologies for Project Management
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Wireless communication makes instant education resources a phone call or finger touch away. This advancement ties in nicely with other advancements in technology, which according to Primavera (2004), includes advances in the defense and space travel industries and the automotive and transport industries. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvPMtech.rtf
Filename: jvPMtech.rtf
I.B.M.'s RISC Technology / A Model Dissertation Proposal
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A model 8 page dissertation proposal to discuss the possibility of preparing research into whether or not IBM's RISC technology is likely to remain a worthwhile strategy in the future. Goals, barriers & issues, and a fairly lengthy bibliography are included. This paper is linked to a complete version (Ibmrisc.wps; 20 pages)-- Please send us for more details.
Filename: Infodiss.wps
I.B.M.'s RISC Technology / Wave of the Future ?
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20 pages in length. A comprehensive and technical research document in which the writer examines the history and background of IBM's RISC technology and attempts to determine whether or not continuing with its development will prove to be a wise move for the company in terms of the Power PC and other breakthroughs. Plenty of statistical data and in-depth analyses are provided. An appendix features several charts. Bibliography lists at least 20 sources.
Filename: Ibmrisc.wps
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This 7-page paper focuses on Enterprise Resource Development (ERP), and its positive and negative points. In analyzing this software management structure, two organizations were examined -- Indian Motorcycles, which has implemented ERP well and Nestle USA, which had a terrible time with ERP implementation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: MTerpana.rtf
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