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Papers On Advertising Issues
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Vermont Teddy Bear Company
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After a shaky beginning, the Vermont Teddy Bear company is back on its feet and making strong inroads into its competitors’ businesses. As a result, it has become the industry leader in promoting itself and its products. This is no children’s bear company.
Filename: jvVmtTB.rtf
Vermont Teddy Bear Strategies For Growth
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A 3 page paper that focuses on the strategies this company has used for growth and suggests other steps to increase growth. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGvttdy.rtf
Viable Spokespersons In Advertisements
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8 pages. This is an interesting look at how the world of advertising makes the viewer believe that a product is used and approved by celebrities or well-known people in their ads. Consumers do tend to listen to a well-known personality recommend a product, not realizing all the while that the actor is just doing a job and getting paid to do it. Some of the more interesting strategies used in advertising are covered in this paper. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: JGAcelad.rtf
Virgin Atlantic Airways – Ten Years After Case Study
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This 9 page paper is a case study of Virgin Atlantic Airways as it passed its 10th birthday. The case was provided by the student. Topic headings include: problem analysis reflecting the challenges ahead and including a SWOT analysis; three alternative recommendations, with the pro's, con's and potential fiscal restrictions for each; an explanation of which of the three is most feasible; selection of best alternative and why that one is chosen as the best; and implementation, including resources needed, timeline and evaluation. 1 Table included. No Bibliography.
Filename: PGvrgn.rtf
Wal-Mart and Pepsi: Two Case Studies
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A 6 page overview of the business history of these two companies. This paper emphasizes both the strengths and weaknesses of these companies and addresses specific questions regarding their performance and future potential. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: PPbsStdys.rtf
What is a Good Advertisement?
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This 3 page paper examines what is needed for an advertisements to achieve its goals. The paper considers the need to get attention and communicate a message and argues the most important aspect is to ensure that the target audience can recall that message so that it will impact on their buying decisions. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEadgood.rtf
Why Brands Should Not Have History
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This 4 page paper considers why a brand with a long history, or the perception of a long history may not be as successful as a more up to date brand. The paper considers the role of the product or brand lifecycle and the impact historical association may have on a brand and the need for brand renewal. Examples are cited to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEbrndhis.rtf
William Lutz's "With These Words, I Can Sell You Anything" And George Orwell's "Politics And The English Language": Verbal Manipulation
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3 pages in length. Upon examining William Lutz's "With These Words, I Can Sell You Anything" and George Orwell's "Politics and the English Language," is becomes quite clear how people from all walks of life are equipped to manipulate words in order to achieve their objectives. Lutz focuses upon the advertising industry, while Orwell discusses the broad use of verbal adaptation within the political arena, with both clearly illustrating how what one hears is not always what the speaker has intended the listener to perceive. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCLutzO.rtf
Writing an Effective News Release
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3 pages in length. This
sample news release announces a new product by a general
contractor specializing in bathroom fixtures. The announcement
is made in conjunction with a special event. This creative paper
gives an excellent overview of what public relations specialists
strive for in a news release. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: JGAnewsr.wps
Xerox Corp Marketing Analysis
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An 8 page paper that includes these subheadings: Executive Summary; Target Markets and Strategies; Major Competitors and Market Shares; Degree of Success; Effectiveness of Marketing Strategies. Xerox is a brilliant innovator and a poor marketer. This is a company who is known as a technology innovator but it is also known for being unsuccessful in marketing and commercializing their innovations. This paper discusses these issues and reports the latest steps the company has taken to reclaim and expand its market share. Data included. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PGxerx.rtf
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