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Papers On Advertising Issues
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Psychology of Advertising: Asia and Europe
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A 29 page paper discussing the effects of cultural differences between regions of the world and the need for advertisers to heed those differences. The differences of the psychology of advertising between Southeast Asia and Europe are more matters of cultural and economic differences than of any real differences among people. Europe is further divided into West and East, which in itself presents cultural and economic differences great enough to affect advertising efforts in each region. The bottom line is that advertisers still must adhere to the basics: identify and learn market targets; know the culture; work within both simultaneously. One caveat to remember is to ensure that at least one native speaker of each foreign language being attempted is involved in developing any new advertising campaign, thereby avoiding some of the advertising faux pas that the paper describes. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: KSadvAsiaEur.rtf
Public Relations
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This 9 page paper helps to define public relations. The idea that PR is just free advertising is explored in depth. Advertising, marketing and PR are concepts discussed.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA502PR.rtf
Public Relations Activities Found At The Web Sites Of Burson-Marsteller, Ruder-Finn And Manning, Selvage & Lee
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4 pages in length. The writer provides a brief overview of PR activities found at the Web sites of Burson-Marsteller, Ruder-Finn and Manning, Selvage & Lee. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: TLCPubRela.rtf
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This 8 page paper addresses the full public relations strategy, including promotional give aways, advertising, demographics, sample press releases, and dealing with the media. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MBpub.rtf
Public Relations: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
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This is an 8 page paper discussing corporate social responsibility in public relations. Within the corporate sector, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become one of the major principles promoted within recent years in the business plan to achieve business success. Terry Slavin in his article “Canny companies come clean” reported that corporate reporting has entered into a “new generation” where “companies solicit the opinions of friends and foes – employees, suppliers, the communities in which they operate – to gain a warts-and-all picture of how they do business”. Today, it is estimated that the majority of companies now report on social and community issues and there are a growing number that also have dedicated social reports. References to CPR in companies such as Shell, The Body Shop, The Co-Operative Bank, Starbucks and Oxfam are used.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TJbuset1.rtf
Public Service Advertising & "Fear Appeals" / Do They Work, Or Not?
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A 5 page paper on the use of advertisements designed to instill fear into the heart of the viewer or reader. The paper assesses the effectiveness of such advertisements, using evidence from a number of scholarly journals, concluding that there are more effective way of imparting important information. Bibliography lists four sources.
Filename: Fearapp.wps
Rebellion in Advertising
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5 pages in length. Rebel advertising
is a technique of grabbing the public's attention through the use
of sarcasm, irony, humor or shock, or a combination of these
things. This descriptive paper investigates the use of rebellion
in advertising and the reasons it is so successful. Describes
several ads which use rebellion in advertising as well.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: JGArbadv.wps
Sales Promotions and Advertising
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Media advertising spending has been falling as a percentage of promotional spend for some years both in United Kingdom and United States. Sales promotion has been a major beneficiary of these changes. This 14 page paper looks at how and why this change is taking place. The paper sites many examples to illustrate the points raised and give examples of different promotions. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Filename: TEadsales.rtf
Sales Promotions And Real Estate
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3 pages in length. When it comes to attracting customers, sales promotions represent a highly valuable marketing method for every industry. The real estate trade is no different from any other sector of commerce trying to boost its clientele; because houses are big ticket items and unlike a television or refrigerator requires a considerably greater amount of time and consideration prior to purchase, it behooves individual agents and large companies alike to utilize this particularly beneficial approach. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: TLCSaleProm.rtf
Sales strategies in modern business; literature review
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An eleven page literature review relating to sales and marketing strategies in the modern business environment, with particular reference to the impact of Internet and Web technology, and the changes in marketing which have been brought about by the development of e-commerce. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: JLlitsales.rtf
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