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Papers On Advertising Issues
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This 4 page paper discusses the use of psychology in the world of advertising. Specific examples given. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MBsubad.rtf
Subtle Advertisements in Film
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2 page opinionated essay and observations of subtle advertising in movies. Argument is based upon Reeses Pieces in "E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial" and Calvin Klein in "Back to the Future." No bibliography.
Filename: Adinmov.wps
Susan Strasser's "Satisfaction Guaranteed : The Making Of The American Mass Market"
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5 pages in length. Susan Strasser's Satisfaction Guaranteed : The Making of the American Mass Market makes it easy to understand the growth pattern of consumerism that occurred throughout the twentieth century. From the beginnings of industrialism, through the modernistic era up until the self-seeking decades at century's end, Strasser provides the reader with a significantly better realization of just how clever and manipulative the mass marketing industry has been in order to obtain the target markets necessary for such advertising success. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCMsMkt.rtf
Swiffer Marketing Analysis
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This 7 page paper discusses the marketing of the Swiffer products, beginning with the fact that the Swiffer sweeper was the first product developed by the company's restructured collaborative process. The writer discusses how P&G added value to this first Sweeper product by showing it could be used in another way. The essay includes comments on target market for the Swiffer products, marketing approaches, how the 4Ps can be seen in the campaign and the recall of the Sweep + Vac machine. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGswff.rtf
The Commercialization of our Public and Private Space
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A 5 page discussion of the observation that commercial interests are permeating every aspect of our lives. Our public spaces, both physical and tangential, are increasingly subjected to commercial messages which are designed to change our perceptions and ultimately to render economic benefit on the commercial entity responsible for the commercial messages. The author emphasizes that seldom do these messages have any socially redeeming characteristics and suggest that if we could revamp the content of these messages we could move from a society which operates almost strictly on commercialism to one which operates at least partially on concern for the human condition.
Filename: PPadSpac.rtf
The Corporate Branding of Stadiums:
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This 5 page paper is a literature review of how corporate branding has affected stadium development. This paper exposes the extent to which this has become a significant influence and the impact it has had. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: GSStadiu.rtf
The Dangers of Xenedrine Advertising
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This 6 page report discusses the dangers of both the advertising of a particular diet supplement, as well as the supplement itself. Most overweight Americans focus on their insecurity about their weight and their determination and most want to find the proverbial “quick fix.” Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWxenadr.rtf
The Emergence Of Mass Advertising
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10 pages in length. The presence of consumerism, brought on by the coupling of industrialization and modernity, is credited with the onset of mass advertising. Considered to be the rumblings of a significant turning point in the history of mankind, the Industrial Revolution reflected a social fabric that was beginning to unravel; given the fact that people were beginning to acquire mass quantities of commodities they had never before possessed created a contemporary attitude toward consumption. As such, the public began spending money, causing various industries to take notice of such disposable income and look for ways to tap into this economic excess. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCMassA.rtf
The Exploitation Of Women In Advertisments
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7 pages in length. The writer discusses the many ways that women are exploited in advertising. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Expowo.wps
The Future of Graphic Arts
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This 10 page paper takes a look at what graphic arts might be like in the twenty-first century by first looking at its past. The changes which have been effected by technology are highlighted. The artist's role in the advertising industry is examined. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: SA027Art.rtf
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