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Papers On Advertising Issues
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Apple Mac Computer And Marketing Strategies
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A 25 page paper. Apple Computer and Microsoft Corporation were founded during the same time period. During the time the Mac was being designed, Jobs showed the design to Gates for the purpose of Microsoft developing software for the Mac. That started a chain of events that led to hostility between these two companies. It had to do with the Mac OS, a graphical user interface. The focus of this essay is Apple's marketing strategies but in order to understand them, it is necessary to look at how Apple evolved and what role Microsoft played in that evolution. Apple's strengths are identified and compared against marketing campaigns to determine if the ads reflect the strengths. It is concluded that Apple needs to do some things differently if they hope to recapture a greater market share in the PC market. Written like a thesis, the essay also includes an abstract, research objectives, research methodology, procedures, findings and conclusions. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
Filename: PGmac04.rtf
Applied Technology in the Signage Industry
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This 29 page paper provides an overview of the use of applied technology in the signage industry, especially when contrasted with the use of traditional signage. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: MHSigna.rtf
Are Advertisements Useful To Consumers?
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A 5 page paper. Consumers are inundated with advertisements every day. Are they informative to the consumer? Are they useful? These are the questions that are addressed in this essay. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PGad5.wps
Are TV & Periodical Ads Effective?
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A 5 page research paper that examines TV and periodical advertising and whether or not this expenditure is actually worth the billions that advertisers pour into this effort to be competitive in the world marketplace. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: khads.rtf
Article Analysis
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5 pages. This paper analyzes a public relations article regarding the manufactured housing industry. This article was chosen because public relations is working very hard to overcome the image of the 'mobile home' or 'trailer house' as they try to attract more people to purchase their homes. The analysis will include information about target audience, goodwill, objectives, ethics and several other topics. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: JAprnews.rtf
Automotive Industry: Advertising And Warranty
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This 9 page paper has two parts. The first part discusses television advertising for cars and includes data on the amount spent by the industry and where they are spending it. It also discusses why car manufacturers use television ads. The second part of the paper discusses the warranty for Ford cars and light vehicles. The writer includes the highlights of the warranty and how a customer would get repairs under that warranty. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGcarwr.rtf
Bank Customer Satisfaction
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6 pages in length. The future of customer satisfaction within the banking industry hinges upon astute marketing tactics and continued technological advancements such as automation, ATM's and debit cards; clearly, the human element is becoming less and less important in order for the industry to successfully move forward in its never-ending quest to attract and retain clientele. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCBankCust.rtf
Beer Advertising
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A 5 page paper which considers what makes beer advertising so appealing to the male audience, specifically considering Budweiser, Heineken, Carlsberg, Foster’s, Miller and Guinness. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TGbeer.rtf
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This 4-page paper focuses on Merrill Lynch, Merrill Lynch Direct and comments about emotional branding (as put forward by marketing expert Marc Gobe). The paper discusses whether Merrill's online experiences have been successful, and how Gobe would rank Merrill's emotional branding impact. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTbramer.rtf
Branding: Ethical Or Unethical
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A 5 page paper. Are there practices in branding that would be considered unethical? The writer concludes there is at least one practice that fits the criteria. In general, the writer concludes that it is the business practices of the company that can be judged as ethical or unethical. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGbrdet.rtf
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