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Papers On Advertising Issues
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Advertising Issues
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A 3 page research paper that very briefly deals with some specific areas of marketing, such as models of consumer decision-making; personality theories; tri-component factor model and problem-solving consumer strategies. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khadvis.rtf

Advertising Psychology: A Research Proposal
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of a research proposal. This paper outlines the methodology to explore the issue of advertising psychology. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MHAdvPsy.rtf

Advertising Self-Regulation
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8 pages in length. Advertising self-regulation is a critical component of corporate social responsibility. Such efforts much exist inasmuch as the ethical approaches of purpose, principle and consequence are integral components of business social performance; itemizing these contributions finds one incorporating the interests of ethics and morality within the corporate structure, essential concepts that are often absent from a business standpoint. The writer discusses how the basic motives behind this concept stem from the desire to not only advertise a particular product but to also do so in a responsible manner. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCadreg.wps

Advertising Sex
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Advertising is an invention of the capitalist society. It serves only one purpose: to sell product. This 10 page paper explores the thought that sexist imaging within advertising is simply a form of communication specific to the culture and embedded within the meaning of the values of that culture. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KTsxadvt.wps

Advertising Techniques To Encourage Consumer Buying
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6 pages in length. Advertisers will go to just about any and all lengths in order to catch consumer attention and persuade people to purchase their products. The extent to which specific marketing techniques are utilized speaks volumes regarding the manipulative power contemporary advertising possesses. Some of these industry techniques advertisers use as a means by which to influence consumer buying include rhyme; alliteration and assonance; double meaning; repetition; dramatic words; metaphors; odd orthography; foreign terms; euphemisms; weasel words; and the breaking of linguistic rules of grammar and semantics. The writer discusses some of the above mentioned techniques. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCAdMrk.rtf

Advertising The American Dream
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This 5 page paper reviews three advertisements found in the October, 2001 issue of SELF magazine in light of Jack Solomon's ideas from his essay "Masters of Desire." The American Dream is discussed in light of the essay and the ads. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: SA140Ad.rtf

Advertising to Children
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A 5 page paper discussing the ethics of advertising directly to children. One of the largest and growing consumer markets is that of children under 15 years old. This group increasingly has their own money with which they can make their own decisions, and they are making those decisions with a vengeance. For whatever reason, parents are giving over spending decisions to their children. With older children, it is good training for them to be making many of their own purchasing decisions. But with the young ones, marketing today is becoming increasingly deceptive in its quest for increased creativity. Bibliography lists 8 sources. Adv-Kids.doc
Filename: Adv-Kids.doc

Advertising to Educate and Benefit Consumers
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A 4 page paper discussing the benefits of using advertising to educate consumers. Educating consumers is a point of advertising's classic rules, but advertisers have moved increasingly further away from that rule in recent years as they strive merely to put brand names in front of consumers. As is the case with anything else when one or more points of "laws" are ignored, those ignoring those standard rules miss opportunity to achieve greatest efficiency. Pharmaceutical companies, online traders, online bankers and a host of other companies dealing in goods and services have fared well by including consumer education in their marketing efforts. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSadvEducate.rtf

Advertising; Does Sex Sell?
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During the 1980's and 1990's it was generally accepted that the use of sexual images or suggestion could have a very positive influence in advertising campaigns. In more recent year this approach has been questioned, many studies have taken place, some indicating that the use of sex has changed other reach the conclusion that sex is not long such a persuasive tool. This 17 page paper looks at the question 'does sex sell?' using a comprehensive literature review and providing an outline for a full dissertation. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
Filename: TEsexsell.rtf

Airtours: package holiday to Morocco
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A paper which looks at Airtours as a company, and the marketing strategies which might be used for a package holiday in Morocco.
Filename: JLairtours.rtf

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