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Papers On Advertising Issues
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Advertising as an Marketing Entry Barrier
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A 9 page research paper that looks at advertising a vehicle that can be utilized by an established firm to prevent entry into a market by new entrant competitors. In both the consumer and the industrial markets, those companies that have been pioneers in their particular fields traditionally continue to outsell later entrants. This is so common that the term "pioneering advantage." The writer argues that advertising plays an intrinsic role in establishing this factor. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: EntryBar.wps
Advertising as an Marketing Entry Barrier
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A 10 page research paper that looks at advertising a vehicle that can be utilized by an established firm to prevent entry into a market by new entrant competitors. In both the consumer and the industrial markets, those companies that have been pioneers in their particular fields traditionally continue to outsell later entrants. This is so common that the term "pioneering advantage." The writer argues that advertising plays an intrinsic role in establishing this factor. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Admarbar.wps
Advertising at Levi Strauss
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A 10 page paper discussing how Levi's lost the teen buyer and to what extent the company will go to win them back. Levi Strauss is reported to be a $7 billion company, and has grown in its 140-year history to be one of the anchors of true American culture. Built on being the rough work pants of the West, Levi found that it had neglected its younger buyers and as a result was rapidly losing market share in the US though it was still performing well overseas. The company reassessed its approach to the younger buyer late in 1997 and then directed much of its total advertising budget to regaining lost ground with teens. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Levis.wps
Advertising at Nike
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A 5 page paper discussing this company's historical and current approach to advertising. The paper discusses celebrity endorsement, the company's level of affiliation with
professional and collegiate teams and its increasing broad-based approach to advertising. Not all of Nike's advertisements directly promote the brand, but rather promote the sports in which Nike shoes and apparel are used, such as its "March Madness" series in 1999. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSNikeAdv.wps
Advertising Between 1870 and 1930
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This 8 page paper looks at ads between 1870 and 1930 and talks about the history of advertising within that time period. Twenty-one sources are used in the footnotes provided.
Filename: SA112Ad.wps
Advertising Campaigns of the 1960s, 70s, 80s and 90s / The Focus on the American Middle Class
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This 5 page paper looks at different print advertising campaigns over the course of the last four decades and considers the similarities and differences that exist in terms of target audience, message content, product and pricing information, message complexity, visual imagery and the overall impact of the advertisement related to the nature of the existing market focus. This paper attempts to demonstrate through the evaluation of four specific advertisements (one for each decade) that there was an increasing focus on the targeting of the American middle class as a primary consumer base. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MHad60s.wps
Advertising Costs too Much
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2 pages worth of reasons (10 reasons in all) why "advertising costs too much." Excellent for debates. Two bibliographic references.
Filename: Adcostto.wps
Advertising Critique
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A 5 page paper critiquing five ads from the October 2001 issue of Southern Living magazine. The advertisements are for Hampton Inn, MasterCard, Lowe’s, Dillard’s and Kia Sedona. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KSadvCritik.rtf
Advertising Critique and Questions
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Three questions answered in 3 pages, each dealing with some aspect of marketing. The first asks for a critique of a print advertisement; the second asks for a discussion of the “3 Cs” of marketing. The last asks for a profile of the environmentally conscious consumer. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KSadvCritQues.rtf
Advertising Dictates Our Perception of Masculinity and Femininity
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A 6 page paper on how advertising tells us what is masculine and what is feminine, and the costs to society and individuals of that representation in relationship to Jean Kilbourne's "Still Killing Us Softly" and Naomi Wolf's "The Beauty Myth." Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Killsoft.wps
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