Papers On Business Management & Management Theory
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AT&T and MCI
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This 10 page paper examines these two rival telecommunications companies. The paper includes information their past and present positions, finical data, a strategic analysis of their goals, boundaries and activity systems as well as considering the different markets in which they operate and how they are seeking to expand. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEattmci.wps
AT&T Employee Satisfaction
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A 20 page paper. Once known for its excellent service, customers have been leaving AT&T in droves for years. Also, over the years, tens of thousands of employees have lost their jobs. This essay provides an overview of what has been happening at the company and comments on employee morale and job satisfaction. The writer also reports studies linking job satisfaction and customer satisfaction and suggests AT&T adopt a different management and leadership style for future success. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Filename: PGatto6.rtf
Attracting Human Capital
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This 4 page paper explains that the Human Capital concept is more about looking at employees as assets than as liabilities. Various authors and ideas are discussed. How to attract good employees is at the crux of this well researched paper. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA730hc.rtf
Attribution Theory
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Attributional theory is one way that managers have
of understanding the motivational quality of the employee. This 5 page
paper examines attributional theory as well as Alderfer's theory of
motivation in order to explain the bias of managers for high effort
workers. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KTattbtn.wps
Autocratic Leadership Verses Democratic Leadership in the Unionized Workplace
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A 6 page discussion of different management styles. While the autocratic leadership style is not without its critics, many contend that it is necessitated by the need for detailed orders and instructions in the unionized situation. This style is compared with the democratic style of leadership as well as with other styles of leadership which encourage employee participation and motivation. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PPunions.rtf
Automated Telephone Call Response Systems
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This 5 page paper is based on PGpsh1en.rtf, which considered certain issues including IVR systems; this paper presents a proposal for a research study on the topics discussed in the first paper. The writer explains the research methodology that will be used, the purpose of the study, time frame, scope and research environment. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGivrpro.rtf
Automotive Supply Chain Management In China
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This 70 page paper presents an analysis of supply chain management in China. The essay begins with an overview of the automotive industry and the automotive industry in China, where it is growing by about 30 percent per year. This section concludes with four exploratory questions for the research study. The methodology is explained next - qualitative, exploratory, and case study. The literature review includes sections on supply chain management, automotive supply chain management, automotive supply chain management in China, and technology used in supply chain management. Analysis of the material follows the literature review. Both the Methodology section and the Analysis section explain how each question came to be a focus of the study. The last section is a list of conclusions based on the readings. The automotive industry is soaring in China; in 2003, China displaced Germany as the third largest market in the world. The country is expected to pass Japan within two to three years. The automotive supply chain is very fragmented in China with more than 2,000 auto parts companies listed. Joint ventures have led to some domestic companies adopting more effective management strategies. The tenth Five-Year Development Plan released by the government addresses the need to consolidate the auto parts industry and the government intends to support these kinds of consolidations. China represents the next large market for all major automotive companies in the world. Statistical data are included. Bibliography lists 30 sources.
Filename: PGchnaut.rtf
Avid Technologies Inc.
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Avid Technology Inc. has gone through three different management period between 1987 and 2004. Each of these period sees a change in the company strategy as market and company circumstances have altered. This 8 page paper examines these changes with the use of a SWOT analysis for each period, looking at the strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats of each period. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEavid01.rtf
Avid Technology Inc.
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This 17 page paper examines the different management regimes at Avid Technology Inc. The first period is that of 1987 – 1996 which is lead by Bill Warner. Between 1996 – 2000 leadership is by William J. Miller and in 2000 David Krall takes over. The paper compares these different period of management in terms of talent to capitalize on emergent markets and taking advantage of opportunities, the bias towards innovation and creativity, the attitude and appetite to taking prudent risks and the overall understanding of what the business needs to drive it forwards. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Filename: TEavid02.rtf
Avoiding Electronic Taylorism
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A 5 page paper discussing two issues of false economy in employee productivity. The paper discusses two vignettes in which workers' performance is tracked electronically but fails to be able to account for all of the duties included in workers' jobs. This amounts to "electronic Taylorism," and is as unworkable as pure Taylorism was a century ago. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtElecTaylor.rtf
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