Papers On Business Management & Management Theory
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Aspects of Leadership
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This 8 page paper describes various types of leaders and leadership styles. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: HVAspLdr.rtf
Aspects of Management
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This 5 page paper is written in two parts. The first part of the paper defines and describes four functions of management; planning, organization, leadership and control. The second part of the paper discusses which of these will be most important and how e-commerce has impacted on these aspects. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Filename: TEmancon.rtf
Aspects Of Management
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This 10 page paper discusses specific issues related to management and human resource management. The paper begins with an explanation of the five functions of management. The need for and benefits of diversity planning is discussed, including the steps needed to develop this plan. Gain-sharing is discussed next with a distinction made between gain-sharing and profit-sharing. The last section briefly discusses the value of executive information systems. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PGhrmet.RTF
Assessing a Business for Its’ Growth Potential
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This 23 page paper develops a model that can be used to assess the growth potential of a small to mediums sized business (SME), looking at the internal influences and resources and external environment. The paper uses a fictitious textile company to demonstrate the application of the assessment model and shows how the results can help to identify potential future strategies. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Filename: TEgrowass.rtf
Assessing Five Coffee House Websites
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This 3 page paper compares and contrasts five websites for coffee houses, assessing the main purpose of the websites, how they communicate and if they facilitate bilateral communication. The chains looked at are Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, Caribou Coffee, Stumptown Coffee And Intelligentsia Coffee.
Filename: TEcoffweb.rtf
Assessing Research into Groupthink
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A 16 page paper examining much of the research
that has been done following Irving Janis' 1972 description of the groupthink
phenomenon. The outcomes of some of these works appear to be as time-sensitive as the
daily newspaper. While all the researchers discussed here have made further contribution
to Janis' original work, it appears that none have taken into account the far different
business climate that exists now. US business drastically changed between the 1970s and
2000. It appears that much of the difference that researchers have found has been related
as much to changing business environment as to various methodologies used. Regardless
of business views of the time or methodologies, however, the original concept of
groupthink cannot be said to be generalizable to all situations. This observation is evident
from the most superficial of examinations of the researchers' work. Bibliography lists 15
Filename: KSgroupthink.wps
Assessing Small Office Accounts Receivable
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A 9 page paper discussing operations of a small medical center’s business office, particularly as they apply to the accounts receivable function. There are several steps that the center can take now to both streamline its operations and create a more secure environment. The ultimate goal needs to be full automation of course, but the center still can take beneficial measures now in anticipation of fully automating business operations in the future. Includes a flowchart of one clerk’s responsibilities and suggestions for pre-automation improvements that can be made now. No sources listed.
Filename: KSacctAR.rtf
Assessing the Columbia Disaster with the Burke-Litwin Model
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A 6 page paper evaluating the utility of the Burke-Litwin conceptual framework for evaluating the loss of the space shuttle Columbia in 2003. The Burke-Litwin model is appropriate for assessing a situation as complex as that concerning the loss of Columbia. A less involved, more technically-oriented approach likely would have failed to identify the real reasons for the loss of Columbia, which essentially constituted an extension of the reasons underlying the loss of Challenger. The approach that the CAIB took in investigating Columbia may well have broken the chain of failure. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSmgChgBurkLit.rtf
Assessment and Critique of “The Leader’s New Work: Building Learning Organization” By Peter Senge
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This 8 page paper examines the 1990 article by Peter Senge “The Leader’s New Work: Building Learning Organization” published by the Sloan Management Review and considers the concept of the leadership for a learning organization and critiques it with reference to good examples of a learning organisation and alternate theories. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEsengelo.rtf
Assessment of Personal Leadership Qualities
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A 5 page paper discussing leadership qualities and the best ways to determine and enhance an individual's own leadership skills. The writer examines three of Sheila Murray Bethel's 12 leadership qualities and uses them as a guide to evaluating individual leadership strengths and weaknesses. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: Perslead.wps
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