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Papers On Business Management & Management Theory
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Analysis of Two Auto Companies
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Benz and BMW: 6 pages. A paper that focuses on the two automakers, Benz and BMW and the part they play in the auto industry. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: JGAbenz.rtf
Analytical Business Paper: Emotions and Leadership
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(5 pp). Emotions, used appropriately have a valid
place in the business organizational scheme. It
is acceptance and management of emotions in a
healthy way that provides the key to a stable
workforce in a viable workplace. Bibliography
lists 6 sources.
Filename: BBbusemR.doc
Analyzing The External Environment
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A 2.5 page paper. The components of the PESTLE analysis are identified as are Porter's five forces that drive an industry. The writer comments on advantages and disadvantages of each model. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGprtps.rtf
Analyzing the External Environment
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A 10 page paper discussing the most common analytical tools available for business use today. In the early part of the previous century, the saying was that anyone could make it in business if s/he had a good idea and was willing to pursue it. That has been less true in the closing years of that same century, however. In today’s business environment, managers need to be using the tools available to them to analyze the external environment not only as it currently exists, but also as it is likely to take shape in the future. The paper includes advice to assess leading economic indicators and read business publications, while making use of Porter’s Five Forces, SWOT analysis and PEST analysis for decision making. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtExtEnv.rtf
Annotated Bibliography (Business Management)
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This 3 page annotated bibliography includes three books and two journal articles regarding business management practices. This is suitable for topics related to downsizing, cost cutting and increasing the profitability of a firm. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA416bib.rtf
Antitrust Issues - Case Study: Unique Channel
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A 5 page paper that responds to questions regarding a student-supplied case study. Unique Channel is a radio station company that has found a loophole in the law and dominates the radio market in Denver. The essay addresses these topics: has Unique's business strategy been an advantage or disadvantage for consumers and advertisers; is Unique's business strategy ethical; do competitors have a legitimate complaint against Unique. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PGunqu.rtf
AOL and Strategy Choices
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This 8 page paper (plus 1 appendix), looks at the positi0oon of AOL using a TWOS matrix analysis. The way in which the internal analysis tools and external analysis tools compliment each other is considered and the development of the different types of strategy which will results from different analytical methods are also considered including retrenchment, acquisition and restructuring. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEaolstr.wps
Apple; A BCG Matrix Analysis
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This 6 page paper uses the Boston Consulting Group matrix to examine the well known computer company and developer of the iPod; Apple. The matrix identifies different product types by categories with the labels of stars, cash cows, question marks and dogs. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEappleBCG.rtf
Apple; Loosing and Regaining Competitive Advantages
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This 14 page paper examines Apple; founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, looking at h they lost their competitive advantage and the way in which they struggled to regain it, only appearing to have a sustainable success based on differentiation when Steve Jobs returns to the company after many years of absence and the iMac and iPod, supported by iTunes, are launched. The paper is based on a case study supplied by the student. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEappleCA.rtf
Application of ITM in Manufacturing Companies
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5 pages. Information Technology Management (ITM) in manufacturing addresses technology aspects such as client/server distributed architecture and object oriented programming. Bandwidth ITM solutions address broad areas within any business; things such as manufacturing, distribution, finance and project management, as well as service and maintenance, transportation etc. A seamless integration is essential to provide visibility and consistency across the manufacturing aspect as well. This proposal will give a clear cut explanation of the usefulness of ITM in manufacturing companies, with special attention to the needs of the less developed countries. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: JGAitm3w.rtf
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