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Papers On Business - Management
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Choosing a Location for a Health and Fitness Club
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This 5 page
report discusses where a health and fitness club should be built
in order to assure its greatest success. Concerns such as the
demographics of the area, convenience, zoning considerations,
parking availability and much more must all be factored into the
overall equation. Critical to success is attracting and keeping
customers, which often comes down to a club’s location.
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: BWsite.rtf
Choosing a Management Model for Greatest Efficiency
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This 3 page paper examines MBO, TQM and Covey's Seven Habits and chooses amongst them to resolve a problem in the business world. Production is the problem that needs to be solved. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA431MBO.rtf
Choosing a Site for the H Car
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A 7 page paper selecting an international site for launching an environmentally-friendly car model. General Motors Holden, Australia (GMH) has developed a hydrogen-powered car (the H car), and originally intended to market it first in Australia. The managing director has requested that the marketing director identify a foreign country that appears to be attractive as an alternate launch site. The country identified as being one of the most favorable sites is South Korea. Selection was made from a regional bloc of nine Asian and Southeast Asian nations including both mature and developing economies. Final selection was made on the basis of political stability, per capital income and interest in environmental issues. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSintlBizCtrySel.rtf
Choosing an Investment Target
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A 9 page paper evaluating IBM, Microsoft and Dell as potential technology sector investments for an institutional investor. The investor will place funds with only one; the paper recommends Dell. Each of these companies is performing well and can be expected to continue to do so. Each is well managed, but Dell appears to be better positioned for the future. Additionally, Dell also takes the matter of corporate social responsibility (CSR) more seriously than do the others. CSR as part of a sustainability plan may well provide a basis for competitive advantage in the future, and in this area Dell has a distinct advantage over the other two. Includes 7 charts and 1 table. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSfinInvest.rtf
Choosing and Integrating a Wi-Fi Network
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This paper looks at the decision to adopt Wi-Fi and the way it may be implemented. The paper is written using a range of secondary looking at the current technological abilities and the potential future developments. The paper shows the different choices and outlines the advantages and disadvantages of the different choices, paying particular attention to the 802.11 family and then consider how a wireless network can be implemented and integrated with existing an IT infrastructure in a company. The bibliography cites 10 sources
Filename: TEwifi01
Choosing Between FDI and DDI
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A 15 page paper evaluating decision factors necessary for wisely choosing an expansion site for a Canadian agricultural chemicals manufacturing
operation. The nations considered are Canada, the US, Japan, Mexico and Germany; some of the factors considered are government regulation and openness to foreign investment, currency volatility, political and legal environments and costs of operations. Japan and Mexico are passed over as they continue to recover from their economic difficulties of the 1990s, and Germany is disqualified for its limited domestic market and high production costs. The paper recommends that the company expand into the US because of its greater domestic market potential and greater ease of export than of import. Bibliography lists 2
Filename: KSFDI-DDI.wps
Choosing Between Two Good Decisions
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This 9 page paper considers an ethical problem where a business has to decide between two good decisions. They can spend all the money on safety equipment within a company or can split the money between safety equipment and a charity. The paper considers the advantages and disadvantages of each course of action by looking at this from an ethical perspective. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Filename: TEbusethdec.rtf
Choosing the Best Media
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This 3 page paper determines and evaluates the key elements that a Media Planner would have to consider when faced with the task of selecting primary and secondary media for the launch of a new city health and fitness club. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEmedchoice.rtf
Choosing the Optimum Organizational Structure
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A 5 page paper examining organizational structure and strategic management theory in arriving at the “ideal” organizational structure. Organizational structure is the formal, stated set of relationships between various departments and units of the organization. The precise form that this ideal organizational structure takes will be dictated in part by the type of business that the organization supports and where it falls in classification hierarchy. Ultimately, the ideal structure serves the needs of the business, rather than the business existing to serve the needs of the structure. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtOrgStruc.rtf
Christian Ethics in Business
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This 3 page paper talks about employing biblical teachings in business practice. Burkett's Business By the Book is used as a resource. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: SA411BBB.rtf
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