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Papers On Business - Management
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China's New Economy for the New Millennium
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A 12 page paper discussing China's great economic gains since the end of the late-1990s Asian currency crisis. China has proven itself to be more than "just" another developing nation seeking to take advantage of temporary advantages for short-term gain. Rather, indicators point toward a nation taking concrete steps to building positive and long-term benefits, taking into account the needs of both the government and the people. China led the world in advances for centuries, but its intended isolation and later full embrace of communism stymied the economic growth it could have enjoyed long ago. It seems now to be poised to rectify past oversights, creating a hybrid of economic reality and ideology that can satisfy ingrained and long-standing philosophy. The paper examines such factors such as GDP, balance of trade, private ownership, and others. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: KSChinaEcon00.wps

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This 10-page paper examines the rapid expansion of China's economy and its impact on its neighbors (as well as synergies created through expansion). Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: MTchisyn.rtf

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This 3-page paper discusses how Chinese open markets (and accession to the WTO) would impact both U.S.-China relations and employment for both countries. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: MTchinaus.rtf

China: Imports and Exports
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10 pages in length. The purpose of this paper is to research the legal environment concerning the production and shipment of a toy company in China. Topics include manufacturing and regulations, competition, taxation for exported goods as well as shipping modes and shipping documents needed for shipment. Based on the research herein, recommendations will be made. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: JGAchnai.wps

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This 4-page paper discusses how Chinese and Mexican imports are affecting the U.S. manufacturing sector. For the most part, the Chinese imports have more of an impact on the U.S. than those from Mexico. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MTchmeim.rtf

Chinese Values In Business Practices
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A 6 page paper. Cultural values are inherent in the corporate structure in any nation. Business practices founded on the Chines cultural values are far different than what the typical Westerner is accustomed to. This paper discusses the cultural values founded on Confucianism and how these are translated into business practices. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGchbus.wps

Chiquita Brands and the WTO
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A 10 page paper discussing conditions underlying Chiquita Brands’ pursuit of Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, for which it blames trade restrictions in Europe. Chiquita’s argument that EU protectionism has been the author of all its difficulties simply will not hold water. Rather, the problems at Chiquita stem more from failure to successfully and adequately market products, seek additional world markets and generally make the most of its business efforts as is required by any business organization today. The EU made only 20 percent of its market unavailable to Chiquita. The company and its stockholders would have been better served by concentrating on the 80 percent available to it rather than on the 20 percent that was unavailable. Includes a one-page outline. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: KSChiquita.rtf

Chiropractic Office Expands Through Internet: Proposal
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A 15 page paper that presents a proposal directed to investors. In this proposal a group of chiropractors have decided to market their services Online by developing a Web site. The paper includes an executive summary; company overview; market comparison; marketing plan; management plan; data comparing average number of patients to the base for these chiropractors; costs for establishing and maintaining the Web site; obstacles and opportunities, including research; initial plan; action plan and offerings to the investor. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGchweb.rtf

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This 3-page paper focuses on a new concept in manufacturing and supply chain management -- choiceboards. The article examines the choiceboards, determines what industry would lend itself to this concept, and compares choiceboards with more traditional retail outlets. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTchodec.rtf

Choice Of Law And Application Of National Public Law Rules By Arbitrators In International Commercial Arbitration
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This 57 page paper examines the choice and application of laws where international commercial disputes occur which go to arbitration rather than litigation. Taking a board view the paper begins with a definition and examination of what arbitration actually is, the sources of arbitration law and how it fits in with concepts of international law, requiring recognition and enforceable to ha have any real power. The paper then looks at international law and the movement for a non-national or a-national framework for agreements. The paper then considers jurisdiction and the ability of parties to arbitration to appeal for judicial review. The paper ends with a conclusion that summarizes the rules used by arbiters. The paper is written with reference to English. The bibliography cites 31 sources.
Filename: TEarbitration.rtf

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