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Papers On Business - Management
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Changes in Industrial Relations in Australia
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This 11 page paper looks at changes in the law with a focus on The Workplace Relations Act of 1996 . The changes are discussed within the context of the economic history of Australia. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: SA323Au.rtf
Changes in Marketing Communications
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A 7 page paper assessing the pertinence of manufacturers’ brands in today’s markets. The concept of manufacturers promoting their own products may well be obsolete. Though it can be argued that companies such as General Motors and Coca-Cola certainly market products rather than brands, there are many more examples of third-party organizations marketing their own brands produced by outside manufacturers. The bottom line appears to be that marketing communications practice is changing in response to changing consumer needs, a pattern that has been repeated throughout advertising history. The notion that “the traditional manufacturers brand is an outdated concept” superficially appears to be overstated, but may well be an accurate observation. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: KSadvMktgComm.rtf
Changes in Nike's Stock 2002 – 2005
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A 5 page paper discussing changes in Nike's stock and comparing it with that of Reebok and Skechers. Reebok has grown slowly but steadily over the past three years as Skechers has struggled with managerial problems. Nike had been stalled for some time as investors decided what to do with the ethical charges against it. When Nike finally realized that those problems would not just "go away" and began addressing them, the company's fortunes improved right away. It probably will not grow as rapidly in the future, but Reebok and certainly Skechers will have a difficult time catching up to Nike. Includes 2 charts and 2 tables. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSnikeStock.rtf
Changes in the Advertising Industry
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This 8 page paper outlines changes that have occurred in recent years in the advertising industry. Several issues are broached including globalization and the effect of the Internet. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA144adv.rtf
Changes in the Carpet Coloration
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This 7 page paper considers the issue of changes in the process of carpet coloration that have taken place over the last few years, including the introduction of digital carpet printing. This paper considers current methods and developments in the use of digital systems for coloration in the field, and relates these to assessments of colorfastness, quality, cost, and the application of this process. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MHcarpe_.wps
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This 3 page paper discusses the influence that marketing has on culture and the average american person. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: MBamerican.rtf
Changes in the Credit Card Industry
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A 5 page paper discussing the changes facing the credit industry. Virtually every other industry of the US economy has been affected by changes in buying habits, changes in manufacturing, the immense growth of e-commerce and the trend toward globalization. There is no reason to believe that those changes would not affect the credit industry as well, and now it appears that they are combining to bring about some structural, fundamental changes in the operation and focus of the American credit card industry. The paper discusses these environmental issues and what they could mean to the credit industry. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtCredCard.rtf
Changes in the Culture of New York City's Advertising Industry
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This 5 page paper takes a look at the advertising industry in New York City. How it has changed over time is examined. Various aspects are discussed including the effect of the economy, technology and government regulation. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: SA440ad.rtf
Changes In The Global Economy Since 1970
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This 5 page paper discusses some of the shifts and changes in the global economy in the last 30 years. Specific topics mentioned include technology, information technology, the speed of communication, the formation of the EU, reduction in trade barriers, transportation systems, the economic crisis in Japan, outsourcing to the Asian Tigers, and the effect of September 11, 2001 on the U.S. economy. The effects on multinational corporations in Japan, the U.S. and the EU is discussed. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PBglecch.rtf
Changes in the Mail Order Industry
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A 20 page paper discussing trends in this "old" approach to retailing that now is the fastest-growing segment of the industry. Sears believed mail order
certainly was dying. Unfortunately, the aspect of retail sales that was in decline was that which the company chose to keep when it ended the 105-year history of its catalog perations. As life becomes more pressured in terms of time, increasing numbers of shoppers are abandoning physical retail outlets in favor of mail order. Even Sears has reentered mail order in the form of
Internet sales, which posted amazing growth during the 1999 holiday season. Other notable companies are discussed here, including Fingerhut, Brylane's and Lillian Vernon. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: KSmailOrdr.wps
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