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Papers On Business - Management
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Brand Personality and its’ Influence on Buyer Behaviour
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This 10 page paper considers the role and importance of brand personality or characteristics on the purchase decision by looking at the way brands may impact on buyer behaviour. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Filename: TEbrandp.rtf
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This 4-page paper focuses on Merrill Lynch, Merrill Lynch Direct and comments about emotional branding (as put forward by marketing expert Marc Gobe). The paper discusses whether Merrill's online experiences have been successful, and how Gobe would rank Merrill's emotional branding impact. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTbramer.rtf
Branding and the Internet
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This 7 page paper discusses the following quote "A brand is a brand regardless of its environment. Therefore, there is no need for a new theory of branding for the online environment, but merely a different approach to executing the brand’s essence". The paper assesses this statement with reference to marketing theory and practice arguing that the traditional approach may have the required knowledge but that a different approach needs to be adopted, especially for international brands. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Filename: TEintbranding.rtf
Branding at National Cotton Council and American Wool Council
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An 8 page paper discussing each of these organizations' approaches to branding. In terms of marketing their member producers' products, the National Cotton Council has a much clearer path to
follow. Cotton has been produced in the US from the earliest days that British colonies were established in the South, the US is not a large lamb-eating nation as are the largest of
the wool producers. Each of these organizations has had challenges in marketing member
producers' products; the National Cotton Council has experienced the greatest level of success in branding. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSwoolCot.wps
Branding Decisions at Sylvania
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A 5 page paper discussing how has been able to use the six levels of meaning suggested by Kotler (1998) – attributes, benefits, values, culture, personality and user. Analysis of the six levels of meaning in conjunction with Sylvania’s website illustrates that the company likely is using all of the levels of meaning appropriate to the company and its business. Attempting to extend marketing effectiveness to all six levels of meaning no doubt would diminish the effectiveness of some, and negate the effectiveness of others. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KSmktgBranding.rtf
Branding in Tourism
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This 3 page paper considers how branding may be used by tourist destinations. The paper looks at how this may be achieved and gives a short example of a branding strategy for a tourist attraction. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEbrndtr.rtf
Branding Mac Computers
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This 14 page paper discusses what branding is and the importance of developing brands. The variables involved in creating a brand image are discussed. Passionate branding is explained, including the traits of passionate branding. The bulk of the paper describes how Apple developed the Mac brand, which is a passionate brand. Mac users are fiercely loyal. The message of the Mac brand and the variables involved are explained. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGmacbr.rtf
Branding Plan for WVLT-TV
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A 5 page paper discussing characteristics of the viewing area of this mid-market television station and ways that the station can increase its standing in the local area. Located in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains, WVLT is the perennial “also ran” in broadcast television in East Tennessee. It is a network (CBS) affiliate, but its local efforts fall short of those of the leading station in the market, the local NBC affiliate. The paper recommends that WVLT begin increasing community awareness of the station right away while simultaneously selecting a general theme as focus for greatly increased community involvement. No sources listed.
Filename: KSmktgWVLT.rtf
Branding Restaurants; The Advantages and Disadvantages
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This 6 page paper considers why restaurants are banded and the benefits that branding may bring. The negative aspects and results of branding are also considered. Examples are used to illustrate the points raised. The paper focuses on the UK, but many of the restaurant chains and examples used are known internationally. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TErestur.wps
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This three page paper provides article reviews on two marketing-based articles, “The ownership effect in consumer responses to brand line stretches,” and "Using advertising alliances for new product introduction: Interactions between product complementarity and promotional strategies."
Filename: MTbrmaar.rtf
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