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Papers On Business - Management
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Better Writing
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A 3 page paper providing three writing examples. The first is a rewrite of two paragraphs for better form; the second is an email requesting input for an upcoming decision of whether to implement a "Casual Friday" dress-down day. The third is a letter of recommendation for a programmer. No sources listed.
Filename: KScommWritEx.rtf
Bias in Decision-Making
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A 9 page research paper that examines biases in business decision-making, looking at both positive and negative effects. The writer particularly focuses on how a bias toward optimism can cause managers to underestimate costs and problems. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khbias.rtf
Biblical & Secular Management
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This 4 page paper and 1 page outline explore the topic of differences between biblical and secular leadership in a business setting. Several companies are named including the fast food chain Chick-Fil-A. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Bibsec.wps
BIDs and REITs
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This 24 page paper at how BIDs Business Improvement Districts and REITs Real Estate Investment Trusts operate and how they can help regenerate run down areas. The requirements and practicalities of each are examined. BIDs and REITs are also assessed for their potential in the UK market. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEBIDREIT.rtf
Big Business: Changing The Way Americans Lived In The Late Nineteenth Century
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4 pages in length. Big business was a saving grace in the late nineteenth century; not only was it instrumental in establishing an entirely new American perspective, but it was also the beginning of a new prosperity. While not everyone was fortunate enough to benefit from such a boon -- as is the case with any sort of social improvement -- the vast majority was able to bask in the up-and-coming influences brought about by big business. At the same time, however, the writer discusses how big business was ultimately responsible for encounters that were neither anticipated nor appropriately handled, with environmental degradation representing one of the most detrimental side effects. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCbigbz.wps
Big Emerging Markets 2005
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A 3 page paper assessing the statement, "Within 20 years, we will have seen the emergence of enormous global markets for standardized consumer products. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?" The paper provides 3 pages supporting agreement. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSmktgGloMkts.rtf
Bikram Choudhury for the Jack Welch Award
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A 5 page paper discussing why yoga master Bikram Choudhury should be honored with Harvard's Jack Welch Award. The award is for outstanding leadership as exemplified by GE's Jack Welch during his years as that company's CEO. The paper defines leadership and discusses it in terms of situational, contingency and path-goal theories. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtBikram.rtf
Bill Blizzard's Evaluation
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A 7 page paper discussing programmer Bill's recent performance, which has not matched previous levels. The manager realizes that Bill is working on totally different types of programming assignments now, and wonders if the underlying problem is that Bill does not have a grasp of the business processes in the departments he serves. They agree that Bill will spend time effectively crosstraining in departments he is about to provide programming services to, as a means of better understanding what these internal customers need. Whether this approach is the correct one will not be fully known until after the completion of Bill's next programming project, but it appears that Bill truly wants to excel in the manner of the past. At the very least, Bill and his manager are able to agree that Bill's performance has not been sufficient and have devised a means of eliminating a suspected reason. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KShrPerfApp.rtf
Billy Budd
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An analysis of the relationships between the main characters in Billy Budd, with particular reference to the organisational structure of the ship's crew and Vere's power and authority as captain. Bibliography lists 9 sources
Filename: JLbilbud,rtf
Biometric Security Measures
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A 7 page paper discussing retina, iris, finger and hand
scanning technologies and their applications. Nearly everyone is aware of the increased need for
increased security in our electronic world, one that is increasingly becoming more anonymous
than ever. It is important for organizations, however, to preserve relationships - whether with
customers or employees - when implementing these security measures. They need to be
implemented in an atmosphere of heightened freedom for those authorized, rather than through a
"big brother" approach that can offend nearly everyone involved. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSbiometrx.wps
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