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Papers On Business - Management
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This 5-page paper offers an analysis of ice cream maker Ben & Jerry's. The paper attempts to analyze the company's core competencies, the strength of the company as it currently stands, and if the company's well-publicize social mission has been in advantage or disadvantage to the company's success. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTbenjer.rtf
Benchmarking / Base Salary To Base Plus
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A 10 page research paper that looks at the question of how to change the compensation plan for sales people from salary to base plus commission. The benchmarking approach is taken to investigate what other companies are doing and then to make a recommendation on which plan to adopt. Included in the discussion are the implications involved in making this kind of change. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Benchmar.wps
Bendigo Bank
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This 4 page paper starts by outlining the banking industry n Australian and then looks at the pace of Bendigo Bank in that industry. The weaknesses, core competences, organisational structure and current strategies are then discussed. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEbendigo.rtf
Benefit Cost Analysis in Engineering Planning
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6 pages in length. Reviews a case study of the Yuba River Basin flood planning. Includes benefits analysis chart, project objectives, sensitivity analysis and spreadsheet. This is an excellent example paper for any type of benefit cost analysis.
Filename: JGAfldpl.wps
Benefit Packages: Stock Options, Defined Contribution, Etc.
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This 15 page tutorial paper discusses different kinds of benefit plans. The target question is which types of plans would be recommended for which employees. The writer discusses and explains: defined contribution plans, defined benefit plans, profit-sharing plans, employee stock option plans and a combination thereof and the writer also explains what vesting means. Examples of the results of specific plans in particular companies are offered to support the value of different plans. The writer then makes recommendations regarding which benefits should be offered to which employees in this hypothetical company. The essay also comments on record-keeping. Tutorial comments are embedded in the text. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: PGpensop.rtf
Benefits and Risks of End User Computing
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This 3 page paper examines risks and benefits of end user computing. A bit of history of the evolution of end user computing is included in this paper that examines effective tools to use to minimize risk. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA413MIS.rtf
Benefits of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
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A 6 page paper discussing the "people-centered" benefits of international mergers of business. Globalization frequently is criticized for "westernizing" other cultures or attempting to, without acknowledging that cross-border merger activity can bring about benefits for workers that otherwise would not have occurred. Example is accusation of sweatshop labor in developing nations by companies such as Nike and Gap, and the resulting insistence of these and other companies that overseas operations be conducted under the same labor laws that apply in developed nations. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KSglobBene2.rtf
Benefits of Globalization
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A 7 page paper discussing the benefits that globalization brings. Much discussion of globalization centers on exploitation of uneducated, poor people in developing nations. Businesses moving manufacturing, mining or other operations to developing nations venues frequently are castigated as being exploiters of disadvantaged humanity, seeking only their own financial gain and associated benefit for their shareholders. Critics of globalization refuse to see any benefit at all, but the fact is that it is to organizations’ benefit to operate in the most long-term effective way possible. The paper discusses increase in living standards, heightened awareness of environmental issues and corporate social responsibility as being just three such benefits. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KSglobalBene.rtf
Benefits of
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A 3 page paper discussing the business of and the manner in which it assists organizations with their HR functions. Association with enabled Roche Diagnostics, among others, to reduce costs while improving productivity, a goal of virtually every highly aware HR organization operating today. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KShrHire-com.rtf
Benefits of Maintaining a Multiskilled Work Force in Food Service
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A 6 page paper critically analyzing the benefits of training workers in an industry where turnover is high and workers are likely not to remain with the employer long term. The paper uses the example of Pal’s Sudden Service, a fast-food restaurant winner of the Baldrige award. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KShrMultiFood.rtf
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