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Papers On Business - Management
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Bateville Athletic Shoe Company (Case Study)
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This 5 page paper takes a look at a fictitious case study, submitted by a student, and creates a logo and mission statement. Strategic planning is a large part of this analysis that looks at the goals and vision of this American firm that has a desire to do business in Latin America. No bibliography.
Filename: SA238BAS.rtf
Bausch & Lomb
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A 5 page paper discussing the history and current situation of this old
company. Founded in 1853 by a German immigrant, Bausch & Lomb is one of the oldest
continually operational companies in the US. It formerly was involved in a wide variety of optical
products and even in personal care items, but its current focus is that solely of eye care. Toward
this end, it supplies corrective and other lenses, eye-focused pharmaceuticals and surgical services
for ophthalmic professionals. Includes a table and a chart. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSBauschLomb.wps
Bayer Group
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This 6 page paper begins with a brief overview of the company that developed aspirin in 1899. Selected financial data are presented. The essay then discusses the company's supply chain management, which is different for each subgroup and in each country. Global initiatives are reported. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGbayer.rtf
BBC Brown Boveri Ltd / Economic, Social & Technological Trends from 1975-1986
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A 12 page paper that provides an overview of the significant economic, political, social and technological trends that impacted BBC Brown Boveri (Switzerland) between 1975 and 1986, with a significant concentration on the power generation and industrial motors sectors, and reflects upon the application of Porter's diamond model in order to relate these elements in terms of competitive advantage. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Brownbo.wps
Beachy Kites Startup
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A 5 page paper forming a retail specialty kite store. Included in consideration are company background, mission, market analysis, description of products and financial requirements. Breakeven is seen to be the sale of 29 units monthly, and the store is shown as being profitable within four months of opening. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSkites.doc
Becoming A Multinational Company
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A 5 page paper. The writer discusses many of the issues a company must consider before becoming a multinational company. Issues discussed include: differences in the governments of host nations, labor, cultural differences and planning. Examples are provided. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PGgoglo.wps
Becoming An IT Consultant
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A 16 page paper. The introduction provides an overview of becoming an IT consultant. The next section outlines advantages and disadvantages of becoming an independent consultant. The writer then discusses how to find potential clients and includes specific ideas for the private sector client and the government process for contracting with independent businesses or individuals, including Web sites that are useful. The RFP (Request for Proposal) is explained section by section with advice on completing the proposal. And example is provided. The writer ends by discussing the many other skills needed to be a successful information technology consultant, including people skills. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGitcns.rtf
Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation
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This 32 page paper provides an overview of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation, inclusive of its history, encountered problems and a look at its future. The section of Brooklyn, New York known as Bedford-Stuyvesant is explored. Several legal issues which have confronted the organization are explored in detail, including the possible liability of a 1998 case involving the death of two young girls on a Pennsylvania highway. Bibliography lists 25 sources.
Filename: Bstuyrest.wps
Beer Advertising
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A 5 page paper which considers what makes beer advertising so appealing to the male audience, specifically considering Budweiser, Heineken, Carlsberg, Foster’s, Miller and Guinness. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TGbeer.rtf
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This 23-page paper examines certain theories about organizational behavior. Models examined in this paper included achievement motivation, affiliation motivation, competence motivation and the expectancy and equity models. The paper also uses some of these models in business examples. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MTorgmot.rtf
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