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Papers On Business - Management
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Behavior Intervention in Management Function
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A 5 page paper discussing management’s role in effecting employee behavioral change. Business has changed dramatically over the past several years, but the four functions of management - planning, leading, controlling and organizing – have retained their applicability to today’s organizations. Changes in plans that the organization makes for itself can create the need for altering the behavior of employees. It is behavior intervention that is discussed here. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtFuncInt.rtf
Behavioral Aspects of Project Management
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A 4 page paper discussing a situation in which the project manager has abandoned the project, which is behind schedule and over budget. Several key team members have quit, and those who remain are focusing on whether they will have to fill in for the departed ones, rather than focusing on completing the task at hand. The paper answers several questions, all of which address the matter of communication and cooperation in some manner. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSprojMgmtBeh.rtf
Being an Entrepreneur: Global Examination
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A 14 page paper which examines
entrepreneurship in terms of different countries and globalization. Bibliography lists 10
Filename: RAentegy.rtf
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This paper examines the Peabody/Stybel article "The Right Way to Be Fired." Using the article as a jumping off point, the paper discusses why firing is so traumatic for an employee and how he or she should react when fired. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MTfireds.rtf
Belasco & Stayer/ "Flight of the Buffalo"
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A 6 page summation and analysis of Flight of the Buffalo by authors James A. Belasco and Ralph C. Stayer. The writer offers a synopsis of the book before offering a personal assessment of this book's place in the vast amount of literature available today on business leadership. No additional sources cited.
Filename: 00busbuf.wps
Belbin’s Team-Role Self-Perception Theories
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A 14 page review of Belbin’s theories regarding the importance of self-perception in team efficacy. The author considers the criticism of Belbin’s approach as it has been waged by others and points out that both the inductive and deductive approaches have value in psychological research. A brief review of the literature on teamwork reiterates Belbin’s concerns. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PPteamBl.rtf
Bell Atlantic's Marketing Focus
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A 6 page paper discussing marketing possibilities for Bell Atlantic. The company controls nearly all of the local calls made between Maine and Virginia, and covers the area of the country that 25 percent of the nation's Fortune 500 companies call home. Its local areas also include the country's largest city and the nation's capital. Bell Atlantic only recently has entered the long distance market in New York State, and cellular service is its fastest-growing segment of business. Its focus of service and its very size positions it well for global presence in some of the countries of the world's big emerging markets. Bibliography lists 7 sources. Bell-Atl.wps
Filename: Bell-Atl.wps
Bellman Consultation
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7 pages in length. This case study is
based on the ten steps utilized in Geoffrey Bellman's book,
Getting Things Done When You are Not in Charge. Includes
information on each of the ten steps and analyzes the strengths,
weaknesses, and effectiveness of his steps to getting things
done. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
Filename: JGAbellm.wps
Ben & Jerry's Home-Made Ice Cream / Human Resources
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This 10 page paper discusses human resources at Ben & Jerry's corporation. A SWOT is offered describing the many strengths of the company and discussing the weaknesses. The paper concludes with a discussion of their current strategies for human resources. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: BenJerHR.wps
Ben & Jerry's Homemade, Inc. / Information Systems
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A 5 page paper offering an overview of Ben & Jerry's Homemade ice cream company. Special emphasis is given to the company's information systems. A SWOT analysis is provided. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Benjerry.wps
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