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Papers On Business - Management
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At the Office in Pajamas -- The Working World of the 21st
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This 14 page report discusses the new realm of “virtual
reality” and the new world that has come into existence in terms
of the ways in which modern human beings communicate, connect,
and work. Advanced technology allows workers in virtually (pun
intended)all disciplines to work at home at any time of day or
night. It is the perfect domain for workaholics, night owls,
people who are caregivers for young children or elderly parents,
and even for those who just hate having to “punch in” at a
certain time in a certain place, day in and day out. While there
are those who worry that such a new system of work will serve to
alienate people from one another and keep them from the social
interaction of the workplace, the truth is that technology has
the potential to free people from the constraints of corporate
9-to-5 lives. In fact, the autonomy such work arrangements
provide often allow a person to more fully focus on their lives
rather than behaving as if they were running on a continual
treadmill. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: BWpajama.wps
AT&T and MCI
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This 10 page paper examines these two rival telecommunications companies. The paper includes information their past and present positions, finical data, a strategic analysis of their goals, boundaries and activity systems as well as considering the different markets in which they operate and how they are seeking to expand. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEattmci.wps
AT&T Consumer Products: Move to Mexico?
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A 5 page paper based on
Harvard case 392-108 discussing the rationale for AT&T Consumer Products to locate an
offshore manufacturing facility in Mexico rather than in Malaysia or the US in the late
1980s. Manufacturing costs were far too high in the US in the era of such sweeping
change in American manufacturing, and the paper maintains that Malaysia is not politically
stable enough to ensure that the country will not nationalize an AT&T facility constructed
there. The paper recommends that the company locate in Mexico, putting into practice
those programs it would have in a US facility - environmental standards and employee
assistance programs - to create an intensely loyal and qualified workforce while still
realizing greatly reduced manufacturing costs. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KS-ATTMex.wps
AT&T Corporation
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A 5 page paper that discusses AT&T's revenues and profit, their management processes, new involvement with the Internet, new marketing strategies, and plans for the future. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Attcorp.wps
AT&T Corporation vs. Sprint Corporation
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This 5 page paper compares and contrasts these two major telecommunications corporations. Innovations of each company are cited as well as their aggressive marketing strategies. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Attsprnt.wps
AT&T Divestiture: Its Effect on the Industry
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A 4 page paper discussing the effects that the 1984 breakup of AT&T had on the evolution of the telecommunications industry in the US. Introduction of market forces and direct competition drove down long distance rates to become far more affordable than had existed prior to divestiture. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSattDivest.rtf
AT&T Employees Survive Layoffs
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This 10 page paper explores the downsizing at AT&T and its effects on surviving employees. When any company downsizes, the survivors, the employees who did not have their jobs cut experience a myriad of emotions, all of which are negative. Productivity typically decreases. Some employees begin looking for other jobs. Everyone suffers. This essay discusses a proposal for determining exactly how the survivors feel, then offers some actions AT&T can take to overcome the negative effects of layoffs. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGattlay.wps
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This 3-page paper offers a SWOT analysis for AT&T Wireless. Also included is a SWOT matrix on the company. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTattwir.rtf
AT&T Wireless’ Competition Landscape
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A 6 page paper providing an overview of the cellular telephone service industry from an AT&T Wireless perspective. The paper concludes that AT&T Wireless has other interests, and it appears that serving customers is not among them. With price competition about as narrow as it can get, the company needs to place greater attention on customer service and make it easier for new customers to choose AT&T Wireless as their cellular and wireless data provider. The company currently is third in market share in the US. The paper includes a strategic groups analysis of leading service providers in the US, Europe and Japan. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtATTcell.rtf
At-Will Employment In California
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A 14 page essay on the legal doctrine which states that employers can dismiss employees for any reason at any time, and, conversely, that employees can quit for any reason and at any time. This paper examines exceptions which have been made and at the current rash of ‘‘wrongful discharge'' lawsuits which are slowly changing this doctrine as it applies in the U.S. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: Atwilemp.rtf
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