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Papers On International Economics & Finance
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European Union: Relative Positions of Ireland and Great Britain
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A 10 page paper discussing the EU; historical economic differences between
Ireland and Britain; and how those differences have influenced current positions. The
single market still is a long way from reality in Europe, but the very promise of it
becoming reality affects both member and non-member nations. The promise of the single
market and EU membership forced nations to become fiscally responsible and
business-oriented. Ireland had not been; Britain's entire economy already was based on
such an approach. These historical concepts can explain each nation's success despite
their divergent views on EU membership. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSeuIrEng.wps
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This 7-page paper discusses measurements of national income (such as Ireland), circular income flow, and fallacies of both. Some economic figures about Ireland are also included with this paper.
Filename: MTireinc.rtf
Exchange Rate Difficulties
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A 3 page paper assessing the origins of the UK’s current position in international trade. The purpose here is to assess the statement, “The United Kingdom does not have balance of payments problem but exchange rate problem,” and the paper concludes that this statement is true. Any problems with foreign trade today are more likely to be attributable to the inefficiencies of currency exchange than to structural problems with the UK’s trade balance. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KsxchgRateUK.rtf
Exchange Rate Mechanisms; Financial Considerations for Individual Companies.
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This 10 page paper looks at three different exchange rate mechanisms; the Gold Standard, the Brettron Woods Agreement and the European single currency, outlines their mechanisms and considers the way that these agreements may impact on the job of the treasurer/company accountant. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEexcgrt.rtf
Exchange Rate Theories
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This 5 page paper outlines various exchange rate theories and their accuracy. These include Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), Covered Interested Rate Parity (CIRP), Uncovered Interested Rate Parity (UCIRP), The Monetary Approach and the Monetarist Model. The bibliography cites 6 pages.
Filename: TEexcthr.rtf
Exchange Rates Risks; Australian Dollar and Swiss Franc
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This 3 page paper answers questions set by the student, looking at how the Australian Dollar and the Swiss Franc performed against each other in 1984, the presence of exchange rate risks, a brief explanation of covered interest rate parity and a consideration f how to avoid exchange rate risks when borrowing in a foreign currency and seeking to buy real estate. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Filename: TEauswiss.rtf
Exchange Rates’ Effect on Balance of Payments
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A 5 page paper discussing how change in exchange rates affects a nation’s balance of payments, using the US as example. Decline in the dollar’s value eventually leads to improvement in the balance of payments, but that effect may not be immediately apparent. As is the case with virtually every other economic shift, there is a lag time between cause and effect. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSeconBalPay.rtf
Expanding Overseas
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A 4 page paper discussing the advantages and disadvantages of foreign operations in both a tax- and non-tax-related perspective. Kaplan Enterprises Inc. is a U.S. corporation seeking to expand its business overseas, and it has selected a host country “that imposes a 20 percent tax on corporate income earned within its borders.” The paper discusses the issue from the perspective of the controlled foreign corporation (CFC). Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSintlBzExpand.rtf
Export Promotion -- Comparing the Success Rate in Chile & Costa Rica
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A 4 page essay comparing the successes and failures of import substitution industrialization and export promotion manufacturing programs instituted in Chile and Costa Rica in the 1980's, with Costa Rica as the pilot program. Their successes have taken different paths, not all of which have been expected, but they have both experienced successes, nonetheless. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Costaes.wps
Export Risks
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This 6 page paper considers the different risks that may be encountered by an exporting business and the strategies that may be utilised so that the risks may be reduced or eliminated. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEexpris.wps
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