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Papers On International Economics & Finance
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Cuba's Economy # 2
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The economy of the socialist country is analyzed in this 8 page paper. At issue is whether or not the rosy picture as presented by Vice President Carlos Lage and President Fidel Castro is accurate. Economic indicators are explored in addition to a look at how the people live. Class differences are noted. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Cuba4.rtf
Cuban Business: Impact of Economic, Political, and Sociological Environmental Constraints
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A 9 page overview of the many environmental constraints which affect Cuban business development and management. Emphasizes that the political constraints in Cuba have been by far the most important deterrents to business growth and development. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPcubaMd.wps
Cultural Industries
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This is a 9 page paper discussing cultural industries and their importance. Cultural or culture industries are considered those within a region or country which are based on the creative, cultural, and popular markets of books, magazines, films, videos, multimedia and other products which are distributed on a worldwide basis. Cultural industries not only highlight the cultural diversity of a country but also are considerably important in the economy of each country as well. Since globalization and the deregulation of many restrictive policies, the distribution opportunities available for cultural industries has increased dramatically over the past decade and also expanded to include a shift in industry with more multimedia and electronic-based products. Because of globalization however, many regions fear that their cultural industries are threatened by conglomerates and has resulted in the formation of several organizations which focus on the development, maintenance, and protection of cultural industries.
Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Filename: TJculti1.rtf
Currency Risk Management
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A 10 page paper discussing the external and internal need for managing the currency risk that organizations increasingly deal with as globalization continues to increase. The trend brings with it the need to equalize business results based on widely varying changes in world currencies. In recent years, the dollar has been strong relative to other major currencies of the world, and while good for the US economy, a dollar greatly stronger than other major world currencies creates a bevy of problems for multinational organizations. Because currency values are never static but can be depended on to regularly change in exchange value, organizations must devise measures that minimize the effects of that currency exchange rate movement. The paper provides several corporate examples, including Caterpillar, Merck, Honeywell and Dow Chemical. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSacctCurrRiskMgmt.rtf
Currency Stabilisation in Russia
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This 5 page paper is an outline for a dissertation on the way in which the Russia has tried to stabilise its' currency. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Filename: TErussia.wps
Defining Economics from an Accounting Perspective:
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This 4 page paper defines economics, and also determines how it can be used as a decision-making tool in the field of accounting. This paper shows how the accounting industry could benefit from incorporating economic theory into the decision making process. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: GSEconom.rtf
Democratic Countries of Pacific Asia and Political Suppression
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This 5 page paper considers why many of the so-called democratic countries of Pacific Asia have resorted, at times, to martial law and political suppression. This paper also considers how this process is different from the suppression in totalitarian states. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MHpacifi.wps
Devaluation's Effect on Government Policies
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A 5 page paper discussing how governments should react to devaluation of the national currency. The government first needs to determine the standing of its balance of payments and the combined sum of the worth of price elasticities of imports and exports. If the Marshall-Lerner Condition indicates that the initial deficit in balance of trade will persist, then it needs to take further steps to protect the national economy while resisting the temptation to impose protectionist measures. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSdevalue.rtf
Developing a Policy for Ontario's Electricity Industry
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This 4 page paper sets out to determine a new energy policy for Ontario's electricity market. Prior to 2002 this market was a government monopoly with regulated prices. In May 2002 the province introduced a competitive wholesale energy market
and contrary to the province's expectations the price of electricity soared so much that the government had to intervene and cap the price. The failure of the initial plan is examined in order to develop a new plan to decrease upward pressure on prices. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEontarele.rtf
Development in Barbados 1990 – 2000
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This 5 page paper considers how Barbados has developed between the years of 1990 – 2000. The paper uses the GDP (gross domestic product) and the HDI (human development index) to quantify development and loos at how this has occurred. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEbarbad.rtf
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