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Papers On International Economics & Finance
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Economic Development In China : Project Proposal
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This 6 page paper presents a proposal for a project that addresses this question: How will China's admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO) impact the Chinese economy? The paper includes these subheadings: Project Statement; Research Questions, which includes a brief literature review; Study Method and stages in the project; Anticipated Results and Significance of study. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGchnwtR.rtf
Economic Development in Iran and the United Arab Emirates; The Impact of Monetary Policy and Banking Systems; A Dissertation Proposal
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This 7 page paper is a proposal for studying the impact of monetary policy and the internal banking system on the development in these two countries in order to form a flexible models for developing countries. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Filename: TEirnuae.rtf
Economic Development in the United Kingdom
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This 8 page paper looks at the current economic position of the United Kingdom and compares it to that seen in Britain in the 1980's. The similarities and differences are explored including the control of inflation and the role of house prices. The paper includes 2 graphs. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Filename: TEukec80.wps
Economic Effects of War
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A 4 page paper answering several questions along the lines of “Consider a poor, underdeveloped country. Would you expect such a country to maintain a trade surplus or a trade deficit? Why?” The unnamed country undertakes a quick but successful war, and many of the questions refer to that scenario in terms of government spending and the effects of various means (tax surcharge, war bonds, tax cuts) of paying for the war and its effects on the larger economy and world interest rates. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KSeconWar.rtf
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This 7-page paper focuses on economic exchange theory through concepts known as the Big Mac Index and Burgernomics, both of which are considered light-hearted, but surprisingly accurate as they delve into purchase parity power in countries around the world. Also discussed is the overvaluation of the euro when first introduced during the lat 1990s. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MTbigmac.rtf
Economic Globalization Worldwide Impacts for Unions, Wages & Employment
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A 10 page paper that provides an overview of the impact of globalization on unions, wages and employments, especially in light of world-wide trade policies. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Globalec.wps
Economic Growth and the Solow Growth Model
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This is a 4 page paper discussing economic growth and the Solow growth model. Robert Solow’s growth model emphasizes all of the aspects of the importance of economic growth within a society. It includes components of the supply and resources of a nation which can expand opportunity for a country’s production. The supply component however is determined by its labor force growth rate and increases in the productivity of the workers. This increase leads to increases in the capital/labor ratio which in turn results in improvements in technology. Above all, savings are critical in that they must be high enough to replace the depreciated capital and also provide for the workers. Lower savings means lower worker productivity and lower living standards. The Solow growth model basically defines the conditions of different nations’ approach to an equilibrium level of capital stock (a steady-state). While developed nations such as the United States have reached this level of steady-state, other developing nations are still experiencing rising levels of high savings and rising capital/labor ratios.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TJSolow1.rtf
Economic Growth and the Solow Growth Model: Includes Country Comparisons, Formulas, Stylized Facts and “The Golden Rule”
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This is a 9 page paper discussing Solow’s Economic Growth Model including country comparisons, formulas, stylized facts and “the golden rule”. Robert Solow’s economic growth model (1956) takes into account various important economic determinants of growth which include capital, labor, human capital, life expectancy, technology, trade and geography among other components which help to answer certain discrepancies which appear throughout the world economies today such as why some countries are rich and others poor; why some countries grow faster than others; how some countries manage to sustain economic growth; and why growth miracles and disasters can occur. Stylized facts included with Solow’s assumptions and model are those which have found that there are large variations in per capita income across economies; rates of economic growth vary a great deal across economies; growth rates are not constant over time; countries can move between being rich and poor; growth in output and trade are related among others. Solow’s growth model emphasizes all of the aspects of the importance of economic growth within a society. It also includes components of the supply and resources of a nation which can expand opportunity for a country’s production. Above all, savings are critical in that they must be high enough to replace the depreciated capital and also provide for the workers. Lower savings means lower worker productivity and lower living standards. The Solow growth model basically defines the conditions of different nations’ approach to an equilibrium level of capital stock (a steady-state). While developed nations such as the United States have reached this level of steady-state, other developing nations are still experiencing rising levels of high savings and rising capital/labor ratios.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TJSolow2.rtf
Economic Growth in Latin America
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An 8 page research paper discussing the impact of foreign debt on Latin America's economic growth and development. The writer discusses Mexico, Brazil, & Argentina, --and -- also focuses on the economies and the social implications arising from the foreign debt in these countries. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Latinam2.wps
Economic Growth of the UK in Comparison to OECD Countries
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This 9 page paper compares the growth within the UK economy to the other OECD nations. By looking at different aspects of the economy such as GDP per capita as well as the standard of living, surprising comparisons can be made. The paper includes 3 graphs and the bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEukoecd.wps
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