Papers On Economics And Economic Theory
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Comparing Market Indicators
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A 12 page paper discussing three market indicators. The Consumer Confidence Index and the Purchasing Managers’ Index are two market indicators on which many investment analysts rely. Consumer confidence reflects consumers’ attitudes for the present and short-term future; purchasing managers’ index is a leading indicator of what can be expected from the manufacturing sector over the next several months. The “contrarian index” is not a set index at all, but rather consists of a set of dynamic indicators that can vary with any investor’s specific interest to allow the investor to locate undervalued stocks that carry promise of growth over the long term. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSeconMktIndic.rtf
Comparison of Tibco Software, PeopleSoft and Oracle
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This 15
page analysis compares the three companies' by utilizing their
financial ratios, balance sheets and other financial data.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: JGAtibco.wps
Competition and the free market
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A paper which looks at the differences between the political protection of competition, and the global free market, from the perspective that both are attempting to achieve the same aim through different methods.
Filename: JLfreemar.rtf
Competitive Advantages of Learning Curve and Economies of Scale and Scope
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Companies wishing to establish a position in the global economy would do well to look at the economic practices of economies of scale, economies of scope, and learning curve. These economic concepts put into practice have saved many companies billions, while opening them up to competition on a grand scale, as exemplified below. Cases include Ford, Boeing and T1 networks. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvLrnC06.rtf
Filename: jvLrnC06.rtf
Computer Crime: Credit Card Fraud:
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This 8 page paper examines the issue of credit card fraud, and highlights the extent of this growing economic problem. This paper presents generalized information on the subject as well as information about computer credit card fraud as it specifically relates to Australia and New South Wales. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: GSCredcr.rtf
Concepts Of Supply And Demand
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This 3 page paper explains the following concepts: equilibrium price, changes resulting from non-determinants of supply and demand, shift versus movement in the supply and demand curves, normal good and inferior good. Examples included. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGspdmd.rtf
Construction as an Indicator of Australia's Economic Health
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A 5 page paper discussing
construction's worth as an economic indicator and how it can be used as an indirect link of a
nation to the global economy. The paper focuses on Australia, but uses July 2000 data reporting
industrial construction completions in the US as example. The data indicates US manufacturers
are confident that their business growth warrants increased capacity, and that semiconductor
manufacturers perhaps are the most optimistic. The same kinds of relationships are operational in
Australia as well, where real GDP growth has been above 4 percent each year since 1997.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSAusConstr.wps
Construction Cost Factors
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A 3 page paper reviewing economic factors affecting the construction industry in Southern California during the first quarter of 2006 and for the short-term future beyond. Current price pressures originate with Katrina-related rebuilding and spiraling fuel costs that are leading to increased inflation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSeconConst06.rtf
Consumer Behavior and the Demand Curve
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This 6 page paper looks at consumer choices as examined by supply and demand curves as well as indifference maps and budget lines. To do this the paper examines two article that are concerned with changes in supply and demand taken form the Los Angeles Times Business Section. The paper included three graphs and the bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEblines.wps
Consumer Confidence
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This 6 page paper examines the issue of consumer confidence through the evaluation of three Wall Street Journal articles. The articles are discussed. Consumer confidence is defined and its importance evaluated. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: SA521cc.rtf
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