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Papers On Economics And Economic Theory
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Developing a Policy for Ontario's Electricity Industry
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This 4 page paper sets out to determine a new energy policy for Ontario's electricity market. Prior to 2002 this market was a government monopoly with regulated prices. In May 2002 the province introduced a competitive wholesale energy market
and contrary to the province's expectations the price of electricity soared so much that the government had to intervene and cap the price. The failure of the initial plan is examined in order to develop a new plan to decrease upward pressure on prices. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEontarele.rtf
Development of an Economic Model for Predicting Company Profits
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This 6 page paper looks to develop a regression model by cross-referencing sales and assets in order to predict company profits. The paper considers the proposed model, how it may be used, the feasibility of it, and how it may be developed into a workable and reliable theory. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEecomod.wps
Different Aspects Of Economics
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An 8 page paper. This paper discusses several different questions that include: externalities and the market economy; free international trade; whether inflation or unemployment is worse for the economy; the importance of interest rates in the macroeconomy; how the Fed conducts open market operations and how this affects interest rates; the Phillips Curve method/theory; the tools the government has to stabilize the economy. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PGecon4.wps
Dilemmas of the High-Tech Labor Market
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An 11 page paper discussing the problems organizations face in filling their high tech labor needs. Unemployment in the late 1990s has reached its lowest point in 28 years. It is difficult for any employer to find the right people to fill openings, but some observers claim that the shortage most greatly felt in the high tech industries even threaten continued local economic growth. Most organizations have Year 2000 concerns, but hiring for that reason represents only a small portion of current openings. Instead, more than half of all high tech openings have resulted from company growth, and more than half of those are in applications programming. The face of corporate operation is in flux and moving toward greater electronic dependency; corporate America has all it can do to keep up. Two charts. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: HTechLab.wps
Dissertation Conclusion
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An 8 page conclusion to a student-provided dissertation examining social and financial conditions in the Baltic region of Europe as the countries of the region stand poised for market-based growth and accession to the European Union. The dissertation focuses on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and how it operates; the conclusion cautions against viewing the IMF as a financial savior. No sources listed.
Filename: KSdissConc.rtf
Diversity and Canada’s Economy
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A 3 page paper discussing the effects of increasing diversity on the Canadian economy. Diversity can be viewed as a threat to the Canadian economy only in the form of initial government expense in the structure that provides financial assistance to new immigrants. Overall, however, diversity represents nothing but pure opportunity for the Canadian economy, because the open Canadian character does not waste time and energy trying to prevent these adventuresome souls from pursuing the dreams they hold for themselves and their families. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KScanDivEcon.rtf
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This 4-page paper, based on the textbook A History of Economic Theory and Method, discusses the issues of ideas, methods and the concept of pluralism. In addition to outlining the authors' thoughts on these topics, the paper also discusses if these beliefs are valid or not.
Filename: MTidemat.rtf
Does A Mercantilist Position Make Sense In Today's World?
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4 pages in length. While a certain percentage of people would agree that a mercantilist position makes sense in today's world, others would staunchly argue how this antiquated perspective only perpetuates oppressive control over free trade. According to Paul Rich, Titular Professor of International Relations and History, University of the Americas-Puebla, Mexico, and Fellow at The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, the concept of mercantilism runs in direct opposition to the more preferred contemporary stance of true, free marketer. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCMercant.rtf
Does The Internet Create A New Economy
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A 4 page paper. The writer reports the premise that the Internet is a new economy comprised of four layers and comments on the Internet changing many aspects of our lives but does this mean it creates a new economy. The writer argues that it does not. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGnetecn.rtf
Dyson Limited
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7 pages. This paper will analyze the strategies to be taken by Dyson Limited in regards to their SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis and a PEST (political, economical, sociocultural and technological) analysis. By looking closely at these internal and external factors, this company can be carefully reviewed and a strategy planned which could serve to better augment their current performance. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: JGAdyson.rtf
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