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Papers On Economics And Economic Theory
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Ecological Economics
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7 pages. This paper will examine articles by four different authors and compare and contrast some of their views regarding economics and environmental rationale. Herman Daly, Nicholas Roegen, Garret Hardin and Murray Bookchin have all written memorable articles on their opinions and ideas focussing on different aspects of economic and ecological issues. This interesting paper explains some of these views and compares them, in some cases, to those of the others. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: JAecoeco.rtf
Econometric Models & Economic Forecasting
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A 5 page paper that considers the impact of econometric models on the process of economic forecasting, providing a number of specific examples to illustrate points made. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Econmod.wps
Econometrics: Gas Prices
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A 6 page paper discussing econometric assessment of the movement of gas prices using the variables of time of year, price movements and the price of crude oil. The paper provides a discussion of factors possibly affecting price and demand, including elasticity and producers’ share of the final price. The paper provides Department of Energy website locations for data to be used in STATA analysis. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSeconGasPri.rtf
Economic Analysis of Labor Market Discrimination
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This 2 page report discusses the significant approaches to the economic analysis of labor market discrimination as formulated by 1992 Nobel Prize winner Gary Becker. Applying economic analysis to socio-political behaviors, such as labor market discrimination, provides valuable insight into the larger issues of human interactions. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: BWlabor.rtf
Economic Analysis of the Law
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5 pages. This paper will discuss
and evaluate the statement by Charles Rowley that "the economic
analysis of Law is one of the most successful research programs
in the social sciences of the second half of the twentieth
century." This statement will be linked as well to corporate
bankruptcy law as well as to the application of the economic
analysis of law. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: JGArowley.wps
Economic Analysis: 2000-2003 Economy
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This 5 page paper focuses on the U.S. economy and predictions made in a 2000 article. Those predictions are carefully evaluated to see what writers got right and what they got wrong. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: SA349eco.rtf
Economic Approaches to the Economy
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This 5 page paper looks at the different schools of economic thought. The classical school, the Keynesian school and the Monetarist school are given a basic outline and considered along with their differences and similarities. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEecosch.wps
Economic Bubbles
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Economic or speculative bubbles have been seen over many centuries where investors seek to make a profit and assets become over valued. This 16 page paper looks at some of the bubbles that have impacted on the United States of America, starting wit the Mississippi Bubble looking at a range of bubbles through to the dot com bubble which collapsed in 2000 the paper discuses different types of bubbles and the boom and bust cycle many have created and considers the underlying economic theories that explain the occurrence and patterns associated with bubbles. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Filename: TEbubbles.rtf
Economic Changes
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This 9 page paper considers the fact that major economic changes are occurring, and the impacts of these changes. This paper outlines the influence of economic changes on the development of businesses and the shift in political structure. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: MHBudge2.rtf
Economic Concepts and Examples
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This 5 page paper examines various economic concepts such as the Consumer Price Index, GNP and GDP. The difference between GNP and GDP is discussed in depth and examples are given. An example provided by a student is analyzed to discuss the difference in purchasing power between Tokyo and New York. The Big Mac Index is discussed as well. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA441eco.rtf
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